8th October 1944 (Full Version)

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Speedysteve -> 8th October 1944 (6/9/2007 12:30:25 PM)

Hi all,

Hi Alfred - the purpose for attacking the main force would be to force it to retreat with massive losses 60 miles east. From there it would be smashed again NOT into Rahaeng (due to 254th. Ind. Tk Bde) but into the jungles to the SE. From there my forces would storm Rahaeng and be able to move towards Bangkok whilst also trapping his decimated forces in the jungle where they will starve[:)]

That would be the plan anyway! As you say though I have the Victoria Point Operation anyhow as a 'backup'.

We'll see what happens though. Today his AV in the main force dropped by a further 45 point to 6939.


The Jesselton invasion forces will reach Pontianak within 2 days. The CAP prevented any enemy airstrikes on them today.

Pontianak Havocs raided Batavia's Harbour and damaged AK Kyokko Maru and DD Murakumo with a bomb and sank ML Enoshima with 3 bombs. 1 x Havoc was shot down by AA.

My CV's will be back at Kuching tomorrow to refuel and re-arm.


More bombing if Iwo Jima.

Kusaie Island was stormed by Fiji Bde men today. The island was empty and the men were re-embarking at day's end for movement back to theeast.

Alfred -> RE: 8th October 1944 (6/9/2007 12:54:20 PM)


Your plan sounds very logical and practical.

What I am envisaging however, and I admit it may be too ambitious to accomplish, is that if you can freeze his units in situ and then land at Victoria Point and blitz to Bangkok, you would then detach a single unit, say a 1 battalion size force, to convert the unoccuppied hexes to Allied control (note there would be no free penguin unit to oppose this) so that there would be no hex (jungle or otherwise) for the penguins to retreat to.


AmiralLaurent -> RE: 8th October 1944 (6/9/2007 3:26:36 PM)




Your plan sounds very logical and practical.

What I am envisaging however, and I admit it may be too ambitious to accomplish, is that if you can freeze his units in situ and then land at Victoria Point and blitz to Bangkok, you would then detach a single unit, say a 1 battalion size force, to convert the unoccuppied hexes to Allied control (note there would be no free penguin unit to oppose this) so that there would be no hex (jungle or otherwise) for the penguins to retreat to.


In WITP it is often better to leave a retreat hex to enemy units. Units fighting outside base will fight forever if they have no possible retreat. They will be far more damaged and disrupted if allowed to retreat. In teh above case, they will be chased into the jungle, and before they may come out of it Speedy may have taken Rahaeng and even Bangkok...

Alfred -> RE: 8th October 1944 (6/9/2007 3:55:36 PM)


As usual, you make a good point.  As an expert on Japan one must give proper consideration to your views.

Unfortunately I don't have time now to fully explain what I envisage - I will do that tomorrow.  What I am directly aiming for is the preliminary total destruction of the garrisons located at the Moulmein and Rahaeng bases.  Then a combination of supply attrition and perimeter attacks by greatly reduced Allied forces to deal with the Burma pocket.

Speedy's plan is simple and good, whereas mine would be more complicated and therefore more likely to fail.  On the other hand it is October 1944 and whilst time is not yet of essence, Speedy can't afford to waste time if he wants to achieve a decisive victory.  Remember the Philippines remains entirely in Japanese control and I doubt that an early capture of Iwo Jima will fully compensate.  Speedy's plan, if successful, will capture some important bases but leave a hugh army in being - mine will require some more preliminary moves aimed at eliminating that hugh army and thus free up SEAC to steam roller into Indo China et al.  The one that ultimately eliminates the Burma forces quickest is the better one.


Alfred -> RE: 8th October 1944 (6/11/2007 2:26:20 AM)


As promised, and for what its worth, the details.

(A)  Assumptions

A1.  Hex (31,34) is Japanese controlled or at least neutral.

A2.  The Japanese Burma Army, if forced to retreat from (30,34), will do so to (31,34).

A3.  Insufficient time has elapsed since the cutting of the road supply line from Rahaeng to yet severely impact upon the combat cabapbility of the Burma Army.

A4.  Your house rules allow for the use of Chinese SEAC units as blocking units in unguarded hexes.

A5.  At optimal travel rate, SEAC units located at Taung Gyi can not reach Rahaeng before mid November 1944.

A6.  Rahaeng has mid to high fortification levels.

A7.  That only 1 unit is approaching Rahaeng suggests that the Penguin lacks a strategic reserve and has only threadbare garrisons in the rear areas of Malaya, Siam and Indochina.  Consequently he will need to rob Paul to pay Peter to confront any new SEAC advances.

A8.  The pending Allied landing at Victoria Point will (a) occur within 2 weeks, (b) include some Allied armour, and (c) will be strong enough to quickly capture the base and blitz to Bangkok within 10 days of landing.  Follow up infantry from Victoria Point will, if necessary (eg Bangkok remains contested), be able to move to from (28,39) to Krung Thep (29,39), thereby bypassing Bangkok (29,40).

A9.  The overall game objective is to achieve a dicisive Allied victory.  To accomplish this, you will need a 2:1 VP ratio no later than 31 August 1945.  To achieve this ratio, (a) you must not use atomic bombs, (b) capture many big value bases (Manila, Singapore, Formosa et al) and have them fully resupplied, (c) destroy Japanese industry and (d) minimize Allied casualties.  As non-Chinese/Soviet LCU lose 1 VP per 3 items destroyed whereas Japanese LCU lose 1 VP only per 6 items destroyed, this means that Allied LCU need to achieve a better than 1:4 casualty rate.

(B)  October 1944 SEAC Situation Analysis

B1.  The majority of SEAC forces, amounting to about 10,000 AV, are co-located at hex (30,34) with a huge Japanese Burma Army which itself amounts to over 9,000 AV.  Several weeks of fighting has resulted in only a slight weakening in combat strength of the Burma Army.

B2.  The Burma Army can still trace a limited supply line value of 42 from Krung Thep.  This is calculated as follows:

(29,39)  Krung Thep
(30,38)  rail -2
(30,37)  rail -2
(31,36)  rail -2
(30,35)  clear -50
(30,34)  rail -2

B3.  The best hex to destroy the Burma Army is where it is currently located (30,34).  This hex is the best to resupply SEAC units and as it is clear there are no combat modifiers for the defence.  From this hex, surplus SEAC units can be quickly sent to Rangoon for embarkation to other locations.  Here the Burma Army is furthest from its supply sources.

B4.  If forced to retreat, the Burma Army will move to (31,34).  This is a jungle hex, thus giving the defence a 2xAV combat multiplier.  It is also a road hex into Rahaeng.  Thus it will be easy for the Penguin to leave a rear guard and excape with the bulk of the Burma Army into Rahaeng.

B5.  If the Burma Army were to retreat instead to the clear hex (30,35), this materially improves its position as (a) its supply lines are shortened, (b) any pursuing SEAC units must cross a river, (c) if not pursued it constitues a large army in being which will require SEAC to maintain a commensurately sized overwatch force, and (d) defence of Rahaeng would then become secondary to blocking any SEAC drive on Bangkok and thus any Burma Army units not too fatigued could reach, from (30,35) the jungle rail hex (31,36) in 10-15 days thereby blocking the drive south from Rahaeng.

B6.  Only Allied air power can assist the 254th Ind. Tk Bde to maintain its blocking position at Rahaeng.

B7.  Tavoy has a major airfield and a significant garrison which can be easily resupplied overland from two directions (a) Bangkok and (b) Bandou.  It also has local resource centres.

B8.  Victoria Point constitutes a relatively weakly defended backdoor to Bangkok and Rahaeng.  Swift movement along rail lines can destroy 100% of the Burma Army supply.  A landing there allows for the encirclement and elimination of the Tavoy garrison.

(C)  Course of Action

C1.  Immediately move Chinese SEAC units from Mandalay and Lashio to Rangoon.  They should arrive by mid October.

C2.  Sidetrack 1 Chinese unit when it reaches (30,33) to move into a blocking position at (31,34).  It should arrive by the end of October provided the Burma Army does not retreat there.

C3.  Embark 2 Chinese units at Rangoon for disembarkation at Moulmein.  Use of AK to conserve AP is OK,  Then move 1 to (30,35) arriving by end of October.  The other unit is moved to (30,36) via (29,36).  This should be finalised by mid November.

C4.  Embark remaining Chinese for transport to Allied owned Victoria Point.  From there move one to (28,38) completition by beginning of November, move another to (29,38), completed by mid November.  Move 1 to (28,39) and then bypassing Bangkok proceed to Krung Thep.  Remaining Chinese can relieve blocking SEAC units at Bandou and Songkhia.

C5.  Immediately move units from Moulmein to invest Tavoy.  Do not attack until Chinese units have encircled Tavoy.

C6.  Proceed with scheduled Victoria Point invasion.  Once secured (a) blitz with armour to Bangkok and (b) secure southern front with blocking at Bandou and if possible Songkhia.

C7.  Once the Burma Army is surrounded (anticipated by end of October) rely on attrition and artillery bombardment to reduce the pocket.  As enemy weakens reduce SEAC units for redeployment elsewhere.  This will minimize Allied casualties.

C8.  Temporarily redirect Allied bombing to assist the 254th Ind. Tk Bde.

(D)  Disdavantages.

D1.  The 254th Ind Tk Bde is quickly ejected from Rahaeng and the opportunity to cause serious damage to the Burma Army is thereby missed.

D2.  The Burma Army voluntarily commences a retreat.

Neither of these outcomes is necessarily bad for SEAC because you can (a) redeploy by sea SEAC units to capture Malay bases, (b) move into Tavoy more quickly than the Penguin can relieve its garrison, and (c) reinforce the Bangkok axis of advance.

Remember unless you inflict greater than 4:12 casualties upon the Burma Army, you are not advancing your goal of a decisive victory.


Speedysteve -> 9-10th October 1944 (6/13/2007 9:55:02 PM)

Hi all,

Hi Alfred - wow. That's a detailed analysis there my friend! I do appreciate the thought you have put into it and you make some good points. The only thing is that I had decided to attack the enemy mass in Burma before I read your post!

Overall a massive battle took place (probably the largest single engagement i've EVER seen in WiTP). Here's the result:

Ground combat at 30,34

Allied Deliberate attack

Attacking force 395844 troops, 2332 guns, 1200 vehicles, Assault Value = 10219

Defending force 330532 troops, 1469 guns, 746 vehicles, Assault Value = 6900

Allied max assault: 10249 - adjusted assault: 2052

Japanese max defense: 5872 - adjusted defense: 946

Allied assault odds: 2 to 1

Japanese ground losses:
7151 casualties reported
Guns lost 173
Vehicles lost 2

Allied ground losses:
31783 casualties reported
Guns lost 553
Vehicles lost 20

Defeated Japanese Units Retreating!

Approximately 1/2 of the enemy force retreated into the Jungle. My troops are withered though. Every LCU has between 1/3-1/2 disablements now. I feel the risk was worth it though since his forces must be devastated.

I am resting my weary men tomorrow since they havevery high fatigue and disruption. TYhere's not need to risk disabling all of my men over a futile attack. We have time since it will take the enemy 30 days to move out of the jungle.

In a few days when rested we'll attack the rest of the Japanese and then storm into Rahaeng. I have begun moving the reserves at Rangoon (originally scheduled for Victoria Point) to join my main army in it's advance.

The Japanese tried a futile attack at Rahaeng when another IJA Division reinforced their position:

Ground combat at Rahaeng

Japanese Shock attack

Attacking force 14228 troops, 42 guns, 3 vehicles, Assault Value = 642

Defending force 8184 troops, 12 guns, 455 vehicles, Assault Value = 205

Japanese max assault: 274 - adjusted assault: 80

Allied max defense: 205 - adjusted defense: 189

Japanese assault odds: 0 to 1

Japanese ground losses:
809 casualties reported
Guns lost 19
Vehicles lost 2

Allied ground losses:
53 casualties reported
Guns lost 2
Vehicles lost 1


In other news the Jesselton invasion force is approaching Kuching.

Usual bombing of Iwo Jima.

Ebon and Majorik atolls taken in the Marshalls.

I wonder what Faber's reaction to this will be.


Nikademus -> RE: 9-10th October 1944 (6/13/2007 10:00:40 PM)

Here's my analysis......Speedy SUCKS!


Dino -> RE: 9-10th October 1944 (6/13/2007 10:14:12 PM)

I appreciate the thought you have put into it...


Nikademus -> RE: 9-10th October 1944 (6/13/2007 10:15:22 PM)

it was nothing.......really! [:D]

Speedysteve -> 11th October 1944 (6/15/2007 7:15:29 PM)

Hi all,

At Dublin airport waiting to fly back so little time. Here's the CR for last turn:


Sub attack at 42,63

Japanese Ships
PC Amakusa
PC Hirado
PC Mutsure
PC Tsushima
PC Hachijo

Allied Ships
SS Sand Lance, hits 9, on fire, heavy damage

Sub attack at 35,55

Japanese Ships
ML Ikitsushima, Torpedo hits 2, on fire, heavy damage

Allied Ships
SS O23

Day Air attack on Jesselton , at 35,56

Allied aircraft
Mosquito PR.IX x 1

No Allied losses

Day Air attack on Tarakan , at 33,61

Japanese aircraft
no flights

Allied aircraft
B-29 Superfortress x 84

Japanese aircraft losses
Ki-84-Ia Frank: 1 destroyed
Ki-57-II Topsy: 1 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
B-29 Superfortress: 3 damaged

Japanese ground losses:
58 casualties reported

Airbase hits 6
Airbase supply hits 6
Runway hits 136

Day Air attack on Macassar , at 30,69

Allied aircraft
F4U-1D Corsair x 21
B-25J Mitchell x 46

No Allied losses

Airbase hits 1
Runway hits 16

Day Air attack on Kendari , at 33,71

Allied aircraft
B-25J Mitchell x 44

Allied aircraft losses
B-25J Mitchell: 1 damaged

Japanese ground losses:
9 casualties reported
Guns lost 1

Airbase hits 3
Airbase supply hits 1
Runway hits 38

Day Air attack on Bali , at 24,68

Allied aircraft
PB4Y Liberator x 30

No Allied losses

Japanese ground losses:
10 casualties reported

Airbase hits 1
Runway hits 55

Day Air attack on Sorong , at 42,74

Allied aircraft
F4U-1D Corsair x 10
Boomerang II x 12
A-20G Havoc x 30

No Allied losses

Airbase hits 1
Runway hits 4

Day Air attack on Iwo Jima , at 63,53

Allied aircraft
P-38J Lightning x 29
F-5C Lightning x 3
B-29 Superfortress x 60

Allied aircraft losses
B-29 Superfortress: 13 damaged

Japanese ground losses:
65 casualties reported
Guns lost 2

Airbase hits 5
Airbase supply hits 3
Runway hits 144

Day Air attack on Marcus Island , at 75,56

Allied aircraft
PB4Y Liberator x 12

Allied aircraft losses
PB4Y Liberator: 1 damaged

Japanese ground losses:
7 casualties reported

Airbase hits 2
Runway hits 11

Day Air attack on Marcus Island , at 75,56

Allied aircraft
B-29 Superfortress x 36

Allied aircraft losses
B-29 Superfortress: 3 damaged

Japanese ground losses:
25 casualties reported

Airbase hits 1
Airbase supply hits 3
Runway hits 57

Day Air attack on Pagan , at 64,62

Allied aircraft
F6F Hellcat x 3
TBM Avenger x 48
F-5C Lightning x 3

Allied aircraft losses
TBM Avenger: 4 damaged

Japanese ground losses:
10 casualties reported

Airbase hits 1
Airbase supply hits 2
Runway hits 29

Day Air attack on Eniwetok , at 76,74

Allied aircraft
B-24J Liberator x 63

Allied aircraft losses
B-24J Liberator: 1 destroyed, 4 damaged

Japanese ground losses:
25 casualties reported

Airbase hits 1
Airbase supply hits 5
Runway hits 94

Day Air attack on Kwajalein , at 79,79

Allied aircraft
F4U-1 Corsair x 26
F4U-1D Corsair x 26
F-5C Lightning x 3
PV-1 Ventura x 23

No Allied losses

Airbase hits 2
Runway hits 16

Day Air attack on Maloelap , at 82,81

Allied aircraft
F4U-1D Corsair x 13
B-25J Mitchell x 108

No Allied losses

Airbase hits 9
Airbase supply hits 2
Runway hits 129

Day Air attack on Ponape , at 71,79

Allied aircraft
PB4Y Liberator x 33

Allied aircraft losses
PB4Y Liberator: 1 damaged

Japanese ground losses:
10 casualties reported

Airbase supply hits 2
Runway hits 48

Day Air attack on 13th Division, at 43,32

Allied aircraft
IL-4c x 23

No Allied losses

Japanese ground losses:
46 casualties reported
Guns lost 3

Day Air attack on 36th Division, at 43,32

Allied aircraft
Spitfire Vb x 33
P-40N Warhawk x 42
B-25J Mitchell x 20
I-16c x 22

No Allied losses

Japanese ground losses:
33 casualties reported

Day Air attack on 36th Division, at 43,32

Allied aircraft
IL-4c x 16

No Allied losses

Japanese ground losses:
20 casualties reported

Day Air attack on 8th Heavy Artillery Brigade, at 63,53

Allied aircraft
F6F Hellcat x 24
TBM Avenger x 40

Allied aircraft losses
TBM Avenger: 2 destroyed, 8 damaged

Japanese ground losses:
47 casualties reported
Guns lost 1

Day Air attack on 46th Naval Guard Unit, at 79,79

Allied aircraft
F-5C Lightning x 1
P-47D Thunderbolt x 64

No Allied losses

Japanese ground losses:
70 casualties reported

Day Air attack on 53rd Ind.Mixed Brigade, at 31,64

Allied aircraft
F4U-1D Corsair x 42
Spitfire VIII x 10
Kittyhawk III x 14
Beaufort V-IX x 12
P-38J Lightning x 63

Allied aircraft losses
Kittyhawk III: 1 damaged
Beaufort V-IX: 1 damaged
P-38J Lightning: 2 damaged

Japanese ground losses:
110 casualties reported
Guns lost 2

Day Air attack on 29th Ind.Mixed Brigade, at 30,34

Allied aircraft
Liberator VI x 13
P-47D Thunderbolt x 5
B-29 Superfortress x 66

No Allied losses

Japanese ground losses:
231 casualties reported
Guns lost 3

Day Air attack on 70th Ind.Mixed Brigade, at 30,34

Allied aircraft
Liberator VI x 30
P-38J Lightning x 199
P-47D Thunderbolt x 44
B-29 Superfortress x 69

No Allied losses

Japanese ground losses:
562 casualties reported
Guns lost 9

Day Air attack on 70th Ind.Mixed Brigade, at 30,34

Allied aircraft
Spitfire VIII x 2
Thunderbolt II x 12
Liberator VI x 34
Beaufighter VIC x 6
Mosquito FB.VI x 10
Beaufighter Mk 21 x 4
P-38J Lightning x 7
B-25J Mitchell x 18

No Allied losses

Japanese ground losses:
222 casualties reported
Guns lost 3
Day Air attack on 3rd Tank Div , at 30,34

Allied aircraft
B-29 Superfortress x 21

No Allied losses

Japanese ground losses:
88 casualties reported
Guns lost 1
Vehicles lost 2

Day Air attack on 3rd Tank Div , at 30,34

Allied aircraft
Spitfire VIII x 10
Thunderbolt II x 84
Liberator VI x 56
Beaufighter VIC x 32
Mosquito FB.VI x 66
Beaufighter Mk 21 x 26
P-38J Lightning x 63
B-25J Mitchell x 19

No Allied losses

Japanese ground losses:
328 casualties reported
Guns lost 5
Vehicles lost 15

Day Air attack on Jesselton , at 35,56

Allied aircraft
Mosquito PR.IX x 1

No Allied losses

ASW attack at 41,52

Japanese Ships
PC PC-26
PC PC-14
PC Kusagaki
PC Yashiro
PC Miyake
PC Etoforu

Allied Ships
SS Seahorse, hits 7, on fire, heavy damage

Ground combat at Kunming

Japanese Bombardment attack

Attacking force 4764 troops, 171 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 4215

Defending force 202725 troops, 210 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 5141

Allied ground losses:
30 casualties reported

Ground combat at Chungking

Japanese Bombardment attack

Attacking force 1708 troops, 60 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 5496

Defending force 204813 troops, 76 guns, 22 vehicles, Assault Value = 5279

Allied ground losses:
10 casualties reported

Ground combat at Kunming

Allied Bombardment attack

Attacking force 75013 troops, 210 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 5141

Defending force 213798 troops, 2334 guns, 309 vehicles, Assault Value = 4215

Japanese ground losses:
41 casualties reported
Guns lost 1

Ground combat at 30,34

Allied Bombardment attack

Attacking force 3341 troops, 128 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 6929

Defending force 54508 troops, 173 guns, 614 vehicles, Assault Value = 1151

Japanese ground losses:
54 casualties reported
Guns lost 1

Ground combat at Balikpapan

Allied Bombardment attack

Attacking force 68325 troops, 702 guns, 17 vehicles, Assault Value = 1780

Defending force 70641 troops, 599 guns, 3 vehicles, Assault Value = 1435

Japanese ground losses:
12 casualties reported

Speedysteve -> 12th October 1944 (6/17/2007 8:21:33 PM)

Hi all,

Things are beginning to move again in the western theatres.

Burma is becoming fluid with the remaining enemy forces storming east towards Rahaeng. I will follow them.

At the same time the enemy is abandoning Tavoy and Victoria Point. I am sending 1000AV from Moulmein to march on Tavoy. 3 x Divisions and 1 x Bde are to leave Columbo tomorrow bound for Victoria Point.

Overall i'm still fairly happy how this has gone with almost 300,000 enemy soldiers trapped in the jungle.

The attached map shows how Faber has abandoned/is abandoning the entire region.


Operation Minnow is underway with Invasion forces bound for Jesselton leaving Kuching tomorrow. They will be guarded by 2 x CV, 3 x CVE, a SC TF and a mass of P38J/P51D LRCAP from Kuching.


Iwo Jima is still pounded day and night but I plan to launch my invasion forces in the next week.


Speedysteve -> 13th October 1944 (6/18/2007 10:04:05 PM)

Hi all,

The chase in Burma continues with my men marching 45 miles towards the east. I doubt the Japanese will still be there when I enter the hex tomororw. They will probably have shock attacked into Rahaeng. To show how battered the Japanese must be in the area though look at this:

Ground combat at Rahaeng

Japanese Deliberate attack

Attacking force 38210 troops, 215 guns, 103 vehicles, Assault Value = 1846

Defending force 7896 troops, 5 guns, 443 vehicles, Assault Value = 198

Japanese max assault: 377 - adjusted assault: 265

Allied max defense: 179 - adjusted defense: 159

Japanese assault odds: 1 to 1

Japanese ground losses:
316 casualties reported
Guns lost 8
Vehicles lost 2

Allied ground losses:
55 casualties reported
Guns lost 2
Vehicles lost 1


I am 2-3 days out of Jesselton now and it's clear i've been spotted since more enemy planes have entered the area. What Faber may not have planned for is 3 x P51D FG and 1x P38J FG at Kuching flying LRCAP over my TF's. We'll see what happens.


Usual bombing over Iwo Jima.


Speedysteve -> 14th October 1944 (6/19/2007 9:55:35 PM)

Hi all,

Burma -

Advance armour units have arrived on the outskirts of Tavoy. They indicate the place deserted with the Japanese 60 miles SW down the road. We attack tomorrow.

My main Allied force is 60 miles west of Rahaeng. There are 4 Japanese units there. We try to Shock attack and follow them tomorrow.



B29 raids cause heavy damage to Saigon and Brunei airfields. 80 enemy planes destroyed over the day to 34 Allied.

Jesselton invasion fleet 1 day away from Jesselton. No enemy attacks today. I'm trying something new here. Due to the heavy Mustang/Lightning CAP i'm sending my CV's to the NE of Jesselton to attack any enemy naval interference. Faber knows i'm coming and at every SRA landing he's tried to send in SC/KB TF (Koepang, Maumere, Banja, Pontianak and Kuching) to interfere with the landings. Why should this time be any different?

Judy Kami's attacked AK's at Kuching. They had just finished unloading further Base Force personnel. AK Henry Adams was overwhelmed and sank after 8 Kami hits........


CentPac -

SS Sea Owl sank PC Kyo Maru #11 with a torpedo 180 miles SSW of Shanghai. 5 x DC near miss - 15/0/0.

CV's are to stop bombing enemy troops and focus on port, airfields, support and supply depots at Iwo Jima for the last week before the invasion.

Speedysteve -> 15th October 1944 (6/20/2007 1:50:22 PM)

Hi all,

A mixed day............


Burma -


I shock attacked the enemy NW of Rahaeng and foolishly forgot they would follow the enemy into the forest to the SW NOT into Rahaeng. F*ck. All of my armour in this force (800AV worth) is in the jungle with the Japs. The rest of my infantry will move towards Rahaeng now.

Tavoy was taken today and we continue to the SW to cut off Malaya.



The invasion of Jesselton has begun!

As predicted Faber sent in a SC TF which came off better.

2 x CL and 4 x DD engaged CA Hawkins, CL Danae + 3 x DD. By the end of the day CA Hawkins + 1 x DD are heavily damaged and will probably not make Kuching. 1 x DD sunk. On the Japanese side DD Yugure was sunk by SS O23 whilst limping away from Jesselton.

85% of my force is ashore though. After tomorrow I am getting out of dodge since this is in enemy territory and I do not have a lot to cover this force now. I will probably paradrop an Airborne and Glider Rgt from Kuching to add to my forces.

My covering CV's sunk 2 enemy freighters in the area.

Here is Jesselton force disposition at present:

Ground combat at Jesselton

Japanese Bombardment attack

Attacking force 6278 troops, 99 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 248

Defending force 9754 troops, 55 guns, 88 vehicles, Assault Value = 371

Allied ground losses:
6 casualties reported

SS Sea Owl claimed her 2nd PC victim in two days by sinking PC Ch 29 with a torpedo 120 miles SE of Shanghai.


Capt. Harlock -> RE: 15th October 1944 (6/20/2007 10:40:23 PM)



As predicted Faber sent in a SC TF which came off better.

2 x CL and 4 x DD engaged CA Hawkins, CL Danae + 3 x DD. By the end of the day CA Hawkins + 1 x DD are heavily damaged and will probably not make Kuching. 1 x DD sunk. On the Japanese side DD Yugure was sunk by SS O23 whilst limping away from Jesselton.

You sent WWI cruisers in to do a WWII job . . .[:-]

Speedysteve -> RE: 15th October 1944 (6/20/2007 10:49:05 PM)

Hi Capt.

Not much choice i'm afraid. All of the surface battles at Maumere, Banja, Pontianak and Kuching haveled to VERY few available surface assets in the area.

Once I start moving Tavoy/Victoria Point though I can bring another RN TF from India into play and I have ships repairing at Sydney.

This TF is full of cripples heading to Darwin (in time to Allied Singapore):


Speedysteve -> RE: 15th October 1944 (6/20/2007 10:50:58 PM)

Here's Sydney.

Note I have another BB, CA, CL and 3 x DD in Melbourne which will be combat ready within a month.


Speedysteve -> 16th October 1944 (6/21/2007 12:38:32 AM)

Hi all,

Burma -

The Allied advance continues with forces massed at Tavoy pressing SW and the main Allied contingent 50 miles from Rahaeng.

The screenshot also shows the Victoria Point invasion forces passing the Andaman Islands...............

BB King George V will arrive at Karachi tomorrow..........a welcome addition.



The unloading at Jesselton continued unmolested today. All combat troops and sufficient supply (6000) has been put ashore so my forces have been ordered back to Kuching where they will wait to see if the current Jesselton force is sufficient to take the place. If not additional forces will invade from Kuching.

43 x Zeke Kamikazi tried to attack my unloading transport but the patrolling Lightnings and Mustangs prevented any from getting through. Interestingly enough guys Maj Reynolds is still active in 49th FG with 25 kills from 140 missions[&o] This guy made his fame over Maumere and Raba.

A mass of Commando transports arrived overnight. Tomorrow they will begin to take the 188th USA Glider Rgt to Jesselton to aid in it's capture. 503rd USA Para Rgt will follow.


CentPac -

Heavy CV raids on Iwo Jima.

Invasion forces will leave Saipan in 3-4 days.


Speedysteve -> 17th October 1944 (6/22/2007 3:58:02 PM)

Hi all,

Burma -

Armoured untis have caught a Japanese rearguard SW of Tavoy and will attack tomorrow.

Victoria Point will be invaded tomorrow.

King George V leaving Karachi tomorrow.



Most of 188th Glider Rgt landed around Jesselton with moderate disablements. Fleets heading back to Kuching before going back in (if needed).

Speedysteve -> 18th-19th October 1944 (6/25/2007 6:49:09 PM)

Hi all,

Burma -

Victoria Point has been taken undefended. Allied forces continue to unload here and continue to advance SW from Tavoy and towards Raheang.

My British CV's sank the Freighter AK Juyo Maru with 4 torpedoes at Sabang.

Soon i'll have to decide whether to advance down Malaya or to tackle Bangkok.



The main focus has been Jesselton. My men attacked today and the enemy looks pretty weak here. I'm confident of taking the place over the next couple of days and as such supply and support forces are turning around from Kuching to go back to Jesselton:

Ground combat at Jesselton

Allied Deliberate attack

Attacking force 17142 troops, 130 guns, 104 vehicles, Assault Value = 528

Defending force 8135 troops, 101 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 239

Allied max assault: 459 - adjusted assault: 328

Japanese max defense: 184 - adjusted defense: 121

Allied assault odds: 2 to 1 (fort level 2)

Allied Assault reduces fortifications to 1

Japanese ground losses:
468 casualties reported
Guns lost 15

Allied ground losses:
148 casualties reported
Guns lost 3
Vehicles lost 1

Soon i'll have to decide here also where to advance next taking into account Burmese developments.

Mossie FB's have sunk 4 Barges around the Palembang area over the past 2 days.


CentPac -

Further Iwo Jima invasion forces have started to embark at Saipan. I will detail the full breakdown over the coming days.

Iwo Jima continuous to be bombed by CV's.

Speedysteve -> 20th October 1944 (6/26/2007 5:12:38 PM)

Hi all,

Burma -

The advance continues with Allied forces almost linking up between Tavoy and Victoria Point. The mass Allied army of British, Commonwealth and Chinese forces will reach Rahaeng within 3-4 days.

I will post a separate post for the plans of Burma and in conjunction with that SRA......



Jesselton was taken today and the Japanese put up a weak defence. For the loss of 800 Allied lives and 3000 injured a strategically important bas has been taken on NE Borneo allowing numerous further offensives to be taken against Indo China, PI and Formosa.

The options will be discussed in the next post.

Support forces and supply will reach Jesselton within a day or 2. Then we patch the airfield up, fly in aircraft and begin constructing more airfields to max the SPS 3 base.

My British CV's moved down the Malacca Strait near Kuala Lumpur. An Avenger recon spotted a Japanese convoy near the east coast of Malaya. 2 raids were launched against this unprotected TF and the following ships were hit:

AR Satsuki Maru, Torpedo hits 3, on fire, heavy damage
AP Sekko Maru, Torpedo hits 3, on fire, heavy damage
AK Kotoku Maru, Torpedo hits 3, on fire, heavy damage
AK Nako Maru, Torpedo hits 1, on fire
AR Houn Maru, Torpedo hits 2, on fire, heavy damage

AP Sekko Maru and AK Kotoku Maru were confirmed sunk by the end of the day. The AR's are a nice catch.

The Japanese responded with a Betty strike from Alor Star:

Day Air attack on TF at 22,46

Japanese aircraft
G4M2 Betty x 9
Ki-84-Ia Frank x 31

Allied aircraft
Corsair IV x 31

Japanese aircraft losses
G4M2 Betty: 4 destroyed, 1 damaged
Ki-84-Ia Frank: 21 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
Corsair IV: 5 damaged

Allied Ships
CVE Begum
CV Indomitable

Aircraft Attacking:
1 x G4M2 Betty launching torpedoes at 200 feet
4 x G4M2 Betty launching torpedoes at 200 feet

A lone AK was pounded with 12 bombs outside of Batavia by Mossie and Helldiver's from Pontianak.

SS Queenfish damaged AK Nitiyu Maru with a torpedo inbetween Camranh Bay and Saigon


CentPac -

Forces continue to embark at Saipan.

Iwo Jima bombed throughout the day.

Speedysteve -> Burma (6/26/2007 5:49:18 PM)

Hi all,

Right it's now time to took about the future for Burma and linked into it the SRA.

I have attached the current situation in Burma.

The Japanese dispositions are as such:

1. Faber has 4000AV of Divisions trapped in the Jungle east of Rahaeng. My aim is to keep them there to starve and die. To enforce that 1000AV of Chinese troops are ot be kept behind to surround the Japanese in a huge concentration camp. If only I knew that starved units counted towards VP's.................

2. Faber's new line of defence is centered around Bangkok comprising of 49 units. Now bases on the AV which escaped Burma (2000) and the 1200AV assumed at Tavoy + other's from Indo China I would assume an AV of between 4000-6000 at Bangkok. This is pure conjecture and may be wildly innacurate.

3. Malaya - looks pretty bare. Other than a token force at Alor Star/Georgetown at least supporting air units everything seems to have fled towards Festung Singapore. Recon has identified 11 units comprising 80,000 men

4. Sumatra - not important to me and I will not invade here at this point int time unless it's to grab an empty base.

5. Indo China - Don't have a lot of info here but Saigon seems to house 8 units and Camranh Bay 5-6. In due course more recon will be flown over here.

Allied Dispositions are as such:

1. The main army is marching on Rahaeng comprising 6000AV with disablements. Fully fit would be 9500AV.

2. Tavoy/Victoria Point comprises about 3000AV and most of my ARM units.


My current thinking and plan:

1. Keep a substantial blocking force north and west of Bangkok. They will not assault Bangkok unless recon identifies a weaker force than expected.

2. A significant force of c.4000AV will take Malaya overland. The capture of Singapore will be signficant for a few reasons. Firstly, it gives me a non-malarial base essential for LCU rehabilitation. Secondly, it gives me a good ship repair port. Thirdly, it opens up the potential for further invasions towards Japan. Fourthly, it will provide 2000+ VP's for me.

3. With the capture of Singapore I will then use these forces combined with the northern Borneo forces (at present c.1800AV + 4 x Aus Divisions in Darwin that I need to use PPs for = 2 of these should be available to use by then) to conduct an amhpibious landings in Indo China to trap Faber at Bangkok.

4. A lot of assumption is in these plans depending on how Faber reacts. If he moves back from Bangkok it changes everything for example.

5. The capture of Jesselton opens up the possibility of PI/Hainan invasions for example. Recon from here over the next month will determine enemy oppositions in these areas which may be exploited independently of Burma operations. Interestingly the Jesselton capture puts Fabers 1400AV at Balikpapan in an even more precarious position as shipping to Balikpapan/Tarakan will be subject to Allied LBA now.

Let me know what you think of this?




Speedysteve -> SRA (6/26/2007 6:15:29 PM)

Hi all,

For what it's worth. Here's the SRA


Capt. Harlock -> RE: Burma (6/27/2007 5:04:41 AM)


Let me know what you think of this?

I'm afraid you're not going to get much in the way of feedback. Faber has also posted some thoughts on the Burma/Malaya/Indochina theater, and so we readers are going to have to be extra-cautious not to betray either side's secrets.

Speedysteve -> 21st October 1944 (6/27/2007 9:12:32 PM)

Hi all,

Hi Capt. - Ah I see. No problem[:)]


Burma -

Allied Tanks have reached the river dividing Japanese territory and Bangkok and the, now, Allied territory on the other side.

Over 100,000 tonnes of supply and fuel will begin to unload at Victoria Point tomorrow

Japanese airforces launched a successful small raid on RB heavy units outside of Victoria Point. They evaded the small number of Thunderbolts on CAP and a Betty torpedo hit home on BC Renown (20/24/2) and a Grace Kamikaze wrecked the superstructure of CL Durban (63/12/17). All warships are to retire to Columbo since no Japanese surface threat remains in the area.

A series of attack were launched again RN CV's near Georgetown area. Over 45 enemy planes were shot down throughout the day but despite this a few Betties did break through the Corsair CAP but failed to hit any of my ships. This force will also retire after hitting the last remaining enemy TF in the area - a PG TF at Medan. PG Taiko Maru and PG Nanpo Maru both sank quickly after multiple torpedo hits. 2 more PG's were damaged by a torpedo.

Allied Mediums and Heavies based in Burma are to target known active enemy airfields to remove the recently moved in air threat.



Support and supply will begin unloading at Jesselton tomorrow. Tomorrow will be the last day these ships will be vulnerable to enemy action since planes will be flown in for cover tomorrow and PT's assembled from AK's.

2 more barges were sunk by Mossies near Palembang.


CentPac -

Operation Swift will be launched tomorrow - the invasion of Iwo Jima.

I will detail the forces once they are underway tomorrow. I expect to take Iwo Jima since recon identifies only 70,000 Japanese on the island. I have bombed the place for 6 weeks now but i'm not overly happy with the level and extent of the attacks.

wernerpruckner -> RE: 21st October 1944 (6/27/2007 9:42:14 PM)


Operation Swift


pauk -> RE: 21st October 1944 (6/27/2007 9:54:20 PM)




Operation Swift


don't worry he named this operation in my honour... right Speedy?[:D]

Speedysteve -> 22nd October 1944 (6/28/2007 3:56:07 PM)

Hi all,

I decided upon Operation Swift for 2 reasons - firstly since i'm naming all of my operations i nthis after birds....ultimately leading to operation Emperor Penguin[;)]

Secondly, in honour of my former BTR opponent and co-tester.....


CentPac -

So we near towards the invasion of Iwo Jima. It's probably about 4-5 days away now. Iwo Jima was bombed again by my CV's. Recon has detectd a small convoy at Tori Shima to the north and CV4 is moving to intercept.

So onto the compostion of my forces for Operation Swift:

CV1 - CV Randolph, Ticonderoga + 2 x CVL
CV2 - CV Lexington, CV Saratoga, CV Wasp + 2 x CVL
CV3 - CV Essex, CV Bunker Hill + 2 x CVL
CV4 - CV Enterprise, CV Hornet, CV Yorktown + 2 x CVL

(Just for info: I have CV Hancock/Franklin in SRA. CV Shangri-La/Bon Homme Richard in San Fran and CV Intrepid repairing at PH - 9 SYS).

19 x CVE in 3 TF..................

BB1 - BB Idaho, BB Mississippi
BB2 - BB North Carolina, BB Washington
BB3 - BB South Dakota, BB Indiana
BB4 - BB Massachusetts, BB Alabama
BB5 - BB Iowa, BB New Jersey
BB6 - BB Nevada, BB California, BB Tenessee

Ground forces:

RADM Wilkinson's III Amphib Force will Command offshore.
XXIV Corps will command on the ground.

1st USMC
3rd USMC
4th USMC
6th USMC
Americal Division
81st USA Division
98th USA Division
77th USA Division
38th USA Division
41st USA Division
43rd USA Division
9th Australian Division
1st Phillipine RCT
187th USA Glider Rgt
18th USA Eng
19th USA Eng
34th USA Eng
5th Aus ARM Rgt
4th Aus ARM Rgt
8th Aus ARM Rgt
X USA Corps Art
XI USA Corps Art

I said before ever since Wake I have learnt my lesson. The game dictates, due to stacking, a sledgehammer is needed just in case.............


Burma -

Allied forces have met inbetween Tavoy and Victoria Point. An USA RCT is moving south into Malaya towards Bandou.

Interesting little experiment by me with the trapped Japanese force in the jungle. He attacked and kicked my ARM Bde out but look at his appaling adjusted AV:

Ground combat at 30,35

Japanese Shock attack

Attacking force 192245 troops, 815 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 4015

Defending force 8310 troops, 11 guns, 467 vehicles, Assault Value = 222

Japanese max assault: 6248 - adjusted assault: 728

Allied max defense: 231 - adjusted defense: 39

Japanese assault odds: 18 to 1

Japanese ground losses:
1167 casualties reported
Guns lost 5

Allied ground losses:
675 casualties reported
Guns lost 8
Vehicles lost 19

Defeated Allied Units Retreating!

This force will be kept in their Jungle prison.

Allied LBA heavily hit both Alor Star and Bangkok destroying 70 enemy planes throughout the day. A small attack on my freighters at Victoria Point was repulsed by the Lightning CAP.



Support forces and supply have started to disembark at Jesselton. It will take a day or 2 until the airfield is operational. I hope I can minimise force damage during that time.

A small 5 x IJN DD force attemoted to attack my ships in the night. CL Danae and DD Uhlmann intercepted and heavily damaged DD Akishimo and DD Minekaze. In return DD Uhlmann broke in two after a torpedo hit. They prevented the Japanese from attacking my unloading convoy though.

AK Kiyosumi Maru was attacked and sunk with 3 torpedoes 240 miles NW of Pontianak.

Capt. Harlock -> RE: 22nd October 1944 (6/28/2007 10:24:06 PM)


I said before ever since Wake I have learnt my lesson. The game dictates, due to stacking, a sledgehammer is needed just in case.............

IIRC there were only 22,000 men on Iwo Jima historically -- about one-third of what your recon indicates. (Realistically I don't think such a force could be maintained on such a small island with such inhospitable terrain, but that's the game for you.)

Speedysteve -> 23rd October 1944 (6/29/2007 1:11:00 PM)

Hi all,

Hi Capt. I agree. I wish there was some kind of hard coded limit for each base but that would be hard to achieve I guess.


Burma -

The allies continue to advance south through Burma. The main Allied force has reached Rahaeng now and will continue south.

I forgot to mention that in China Faber is clearly having problems since 2days agao the force beseiging Kunming began to pull back towards Kweiyang. Some of the force was left behind though and I smshed them back towards Kweiyang today:

Ground combat at Kunming

Allied Deliberate attack

Attacking force 155566 troops, 211 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 5150

Defending force 47985 troops, 564 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 985

Allied max assault: 5649 - adjusted assault: 6143

Japanese max defense: 957 - adjusted defense: 23

Allied assault odds: 267 to 1

Japanese ground losses:
6791 casualties reported
Guns lost 221

Allied ground losses:
2994 casualties reported
Guns lost 65

Defeated Japanese Units Retreating!

I was debating whether to follow the Japanese into Kweiyang but for now will stay in Kunming. The reasons for this are:

1. The industry wil function in Kunming now = more supply[:)]
2. My units are beginning to fill out again. Keeping them in a friendly city with no enemy will accelerate that process.



No enemy attacks by sea or air on Jesselton today. Good. By the end of the evening the runway was mainly cleared and the first allied planes touched down soon after - 23rd FG P51D's1 [:)]

I have decided to try a deliberate attack at Balikpapan. I don't expect success but it's important to test the enemy defences.


CentPac -

Forces continue towards Iwo Jima unolested by air or sea.

Recon detected enemy airforces had flown back into Pagan. As such they were dealt a smashing by heavies and mediums froim Saipan which destroyed 49 Zeries on the ground.

CV4 found no enemy ships at Tori Shima.

Both Iwo Jima and Bonin Island will be hit tomorrow.


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