RE: 15th November 1944 (Full Version)

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veji1 -> RE: 15th November 1944 (8/16/2007 12:27:43 PM)

tsss... ttssss..

No bombing of Paris M. Alfred.

Speedysteve -> 16th November 1944 (8/16/2007 4:39:14 PM)

Hi all,

LOL guys. I did conduct a River reccie in Paris Alfred to check out 22 of the 27 Seine bridges[;)]


Siam/Malaya -

Malacca fell today. Next stop Johoire and then Singapore in Malaya. A large contingent of enemy troops (4000) surrendered were obliterated outside Georgetown today. Just the Ind. Mixed Bde men left (c.2000).

100+ FB's have landed at Taung Gyi to provide ground support against eemy troops on the Rahaeng-Bangkok rail line. My troops are still slogging through the jungle to encircle this batch before we attack them.



A fairly quiet day here as my damaged Essex CV's slowly make their way back to Kuching (will arrive in 2 days time). Jesselton's port and airfield continue to expand. Within a week i'll have a level 4 airfield there.

A lone PG was spotted trying to sneak towards Palembang (god knows why!) 27 x Helldiver/Mossie strafed and bombed her to bits - 16 shell hits and 3 bombs hit home.


CentPac -

The intense battle of Iwo Jima continues with over 1000 Allied and 1000 Japanese casualties being sustained today:

Ground combat at Iwo Jima

Allied Deliberate attack

Attacking force 212974 troops, 1662 guns, 779 vehicles, Assault Value = 4633

Defending force 34876 troops, 50 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 567

Allied max assault: 4647 - adjusted assault: 7293

Japanese max defense: 377 - adjusted defense: 841

Allied assault odds: 8 to 1

Japanese ground losses:
1149 casualties reported
Guns lost 2

Allied ground losses:
1179 casualties reported
Guns lost 37
Vehicles lost 8

The first daylight raid of the new campaign was launched against Hamamatsu, Japan today. 100 x P51D swept the skies of enemy Jack's and Irvings (47 enemy destroyed for he loss of 2 x P51D). 170 x B29 then bombed the HI causing 230 HI damage for a total of 410 Strategic Points for the Allies. Tomorrrow's target is Nagoya.

On the sea things are fairly quiet since we're in the quiet phase in SRA (awaiting RN and damaged ships to return from Australia, and for Jesselton to expand. Then we conduct para landings and begin to prepare for Hainan invasion) and in CentPac (ships/damaged returning to PH/WC). Need some R&R before the next invasion. Troops also need to prepare for the invasion.

Speedysteve -> 17th November 1944 (8/17/2007 3:49:54 PM)

Hi all,

Siam/Malaya -

The final remnants of Japanese scum were killed or surrendered outside Georgetown today. In total there were more than 7000 enemies taken care of today!

Allied armoured spearheads are reaching the outskirts of Johore Bharu!

Chinese elements are 60 miles west of Kweiyang. Allied LBA is attacking the enemy base from Chungking and Kunming.

A SitRep is attached below.



A fairly quiet day in this region. I'm readying ships and crews to begin sail from Melbourne/Sydney towards Darwin in preparation for joining the RN when Singapore is beseiged.

No Japanese response in the region but patrols are tracking an IJN TF near Taytay.


CentPac -

The main action in this theatre was the B29 raid on Nagoya. P51D's engaged the enemy first and shot down 54 x Nick/Tony/Frank's for the loss of 5 x P51D's. 145 B29's were then free to bomb the HI plants. 195 of 1198 HI was damaged during this raid netting the Allied almost 400VP's.

After 2 days of deep pentration raids my men will rest tomorrow.


Speedysteve -> 18th November 1944 (8/19/2007 9:02:54 PM)

Hi all,

A fairly routine day again so I thought it about time I show the overall sit map of the region.


Siam/Malaya -

Allied forces have reached Johore Bharu and will take the place tomorrow.

More of the same in Siam with Allied bombing.



Faber snuck in a CL/DD force into Jesselton to no effect. All forces (other than PT's) have evac'ed the place. The PT boats were alerted and did well in putting a torpedo into DD Kasumi and DD Ayanami. Both DD's were located during the day and sunk by TBM's from Jesselton.

Every day Jesselton is becoming a more equipped fortress[:)]


CentPac -

A quiet day and no bombing by B29's. All naval forces returning to PH.

The sit map shows the region well. NG and Solomans are empty and cut-off (will be taken within 2 months). As you can see with the taking of Saipan and Iwo Jima Japan is now under threat.


Alfred -> RE: 18th November 1944 (8/20/2007 1:48:36 PM)


Your Hainan invasion plan is good.  Just wondering whether you have sufficient assets to capture Taytay, Puerto Princesa, San Jose (sp - the base west of Manila) prior to the Hainan operation.  If you can, without pushing out the Hainan invasion timetable, there would be a few advantages:

1.  It covers your flanks, particularly when sending resupply convoys to Hainan.  This is particularly useful if the penguin has built up any of these airfields.

2.  Forces the penguin to consider whether you might be aiming for Manila.  Remember Manila is worth a lot of VP to the Allies and therefore he might reinforce the PI instead of Hainan.


Speedysteve -> 19th November 1944 (8/20/2007 3:58:44 PM)

Hi all,

Hi Alfred - It's something already in the works[:)] These bases are all un-garrisoned. As such Para's will take the bases. I will try to find some avaiation support to build these places up. It will lead to substantial air battles (I believe) since they will be within range of short legged Japanese Fighters from Luzon.


Siam/Malaya -

An empty Johore Bharu is taken today. There have been no sightings of a single Japanese soldier since leaving Georgetown. Now the fortress of Singapore is all that remains of Japanese occupation on Malaya. Aviation personnel have the airfields operational already and a host of Spitfires and FB's landed first thing to begin the bombing of the Japanese in Singapore.

A host of 4 x DD are escorting an CLAA to Columbo. Upon arrival the RN will begin to sail towards the Malacca Strait and their US colleagues.

Rangoon's B29's are scheduled to bomb Canton's airfields tomorrow.



Fairly quiet throught the region today. Both of my Essex class CV's are harboured safely in Kuching[:)] The RN will move to Kuching and escort them back to Repair Yards in India.


CentPac -

The tough fighting on Iwo Jima continues:

Ground combat at Iwo Jima

Allied Deliberate attack

Attacking force 211546 troops, 1515 guns, 771 vehicles, Assault Value = 4522

Defending force 31366 troops, 47 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 517

Allied max assault: 4439 - adjusted assault: 6592

Japanese max defense: 316 - adjusted defense: 388

Allied assault odds: 16 to 1

Japanese ground losses:
557 casualties reported
Guns lost 5

Allied ground losses:
922 casualties reported
Guns lost 37
Vehicles lost 6

Shimizu's HI will be targetted by B29's tomororw. P51's will obviously sweep the skies first.

Terminus -> RE: 19th November 1944 (8/20/2007 4:07:27 PM)



A host of 4 x DD

Since when do 4 destroyers constitute a "host"?[:'(]

Speedysteve -> RE: 19th November 1944 (8/20/2007 4:35:10 PM)

When I choose them too. You know other than wrecking my hit/post ratio and slating do you have anything positive to contribute to my AAR?[;)][:'(]

Terminus -> RE: 19th November 1944 (8/20/2007 5:19:20 PM)

Wrecking your post/hit ratio IS a positive contribution...[:'(]

Feinder -> RE: 19th November 1944 (8/20/2007 6:38:19 PM)

You seemed to have rounded 3rd base on Iwo.  Defender's AV is dropping fairly rapidly during the last 3 turns, if you watch it over time.


Speedysteve -> 20th November 1944 (8/20/2007 7:03:29 PM)

Hi all,

Hi Feinder - aye you're right. Looking at in from that perspective the Japanese are beginning to weaken. They have fought very hard though. I am bombarding tomorrow to give my men a day off combat.


Siam/Malaya -

The Allies are beginning to muster at Johore Bharu. Within 5 days the majority of my Malaya force will be gathered. The first ground attack mission was launched against positions of the 55th Ind. Mixed Bde in Singapore.

Bad weather prevented Rangoon's B29's from taking off.



A 4th airfield has almost been constructed at Jesselton.

Within the next 2 weeks i'll see what Aviation support I can muster so I can para drop onto bases near the PI.............


CentPac -

Good weather was found over Japan today and B29's raided Shimizu's HI causing massive damage (97 out of 120 damaged). The P51D's that flew before the bombers caused havoc. They shot down 63 enemy fighters (Jack, Nick and Frank) for the loss of 1 x P51D and 2 x Op losses. I can only assume Faber's pilots are rookie. What with no free training centres for (crazy) training bombing missions on the Chinese Faber is flying rookie's now.

Tomorrow's target is Takamatsu's HI................

Mike Solli -> RE: 19th November 1944 (8/20/2007 7:31:13 PM)


ORIGINAL: Terminus



A host of 4 x DD

Since when do 4 destroyers constitute a "host"?[:'(]

Must be a British thing..... [:'(]

Capt. Harlock -> RE: 19th November 1944 (8/20/2007 10:11:14 PM)



You seemed to have rounded 3rd base on Iwo. Defender's AV is dropping fairly rapidly during the last 3 turns, if you watch it over time.


And yet, oddly enough, the ratio of Allied casualties to Japanese casualties is going up, rather than down. (Perhaps the game assumes the last positions are the best dug-in?) Speedy's plan of a bombardment to give his lads a rest sounds wise.

Speedysteve -> 21st November 1944 (8/21/2007 2:53:29 PM)

Hi all,

Hi guys - i'm not 100% sure why it's happening as is on Iwo Jima but I kinda like it. It was a tough battle with many fortifications and strongpoints. After a day's rest my men will attack again tomorrow.

A fairly quiet day with bad weather preventing many air missions from my side.


Siam/Malaya -

Fairly routine day in here. Allied forces gathering at Johore Bharu. Bad weather over Rangoon again forced the cancellation of the Canton raid.

20 x SS are leaving Columbo tomorrow in 2 x 10 SS TF for minelaying duties. I will continue mining for the next month or 2 and will then go for a last mass sub campaign in conjunction with the next invasions.



Jesselton has a 4th airfield now. 64 x B25J have landed for action.

Aviation Personnel are embarking at Darwin bound for Jesselton. They will be used to occupy the airfields at San Jose, Taytay and Puerta Princesa. SeeBee's are also embarking............

BB Valiant, CA Kent and CL Gambia are leaving Melbourne today along with 2 x DD heading for Darwin. These are the first batch of repaired ships to leave Aus for SRA action. More to follow in the next few days.

3 x Barges were sunk by Mossies near Jambi, Sumatra.


CentPac -

P51D's flew high over Takamatsu today shooting down 23 x Jack and 17 x Frank for the loss of 3 x Mustang. Unfortunately bad weather had cancelled the B29 take off from Saipan.....they try tomorrow.

The Japanese launched a raid on shipping off Iwo Jima. 43 x Zero escorted a Betty! 26 x P51D were on CAP and slaughtered the rookies. 32 enemy planes were shot down for no loss.

Alfred -> RE: 21st November 1944 (8/21/2007 3:07:58 PM)


As stated in another thread, that Betty must have been piloted by Prince Akihito.


Speedysteve -> 22nd November 1944 (8/22/2007 4:07:37 PM)

Hi all,

Siam/Malaya -

Rangoon's B29's took off today and they flew an easterly course over Siam, allied controlled China and then SE towards Canton. The enemy was surprised and only 9 x Frank's were on CAP. 168 x B29 plastered the enemy airfields destroying 109 planes on the ground (Frank, Betties, Dave's and Sally's) for the loss of 4 x B29 in total.

Recon identified an enemy TK harbouring at Medan. It is clearly cut off and been there for a long time. 12 x Mossie at Johore are targetted to attack the thing tomorrow.



BB Ramilles, CL Kenya, 8 x DD left Sydney during the night along with a TF of 3 x CVE and 6 x DD bound for Darwin.

USMC Para bn's are being flown to Kuching and then to Jesselton in preparation for upcoming offensives.


CentPac -

Bad weather prevented any B29/P51D air raids over Japan.

Action again on Iwo Jima:

Ground combat at Iwo Jima

Allied Deliberate attack

Attacking force 211910 troops, 1473 guns, 781 vehicles, Assault Value = 4537

Defending force 30023 troops, 37 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 506

Allied max assault: 4684 - adjusted assault: 7065

Japanese max defense: 348 - adjusted defense: 304

Allied assault odds: 23 to 1

Japanese ground losses:
1073 casualties reported
Guns lost 4

Allied ground losses:
570 casualties reported
Guns lost 31
Vehicles lost 14

CV Antietam arrives in San Francisco tomorrow.

Terminus -> RE: 22nd November 1944 (8/22/2007 4:08:54 PM)



Hi all,

Siam/Malaya -

Rangoon's B29's took off today and they flew an easterly course over Siam, allied controlled China and then SE towards Canton. The enemy was surprised and only 9 x Frank's were on CAP. 168 x B29 plastered the enemy airfields destroying 109 planes on the ground (Frank, Betties, Dave's and Sally's) for the loss of 4 x B29 in total.

Oooh, that's gotta sting...

niceguy2005 -> RE: 19th November 1944 (8/22/2007 5:52:29 PM)


ORIGINAL: Capt. Harlock



You seemed to have rounded 3rd base on Iwo. Defender's AV is dropping fairly rapidly during the last 3 turns, if you watch it over time.


And yet, oddly enough, the ratio of Allied casualties to Japanese casualties is going up, rather than down. (Perhaps the game assumes the last positions are the best dug-in?) Speedy's plan of a bombardment to give his lads a rest sounds wise.

This always seems to happen when the Japanese are pushed out of a base...they become next to impossible to kill and casualties for the allies mount.

Speedysteve -> 23rd November 1944 (8/23/2007 12:33:36 PM)

Hi all,

Siam/Malaya -

Several large Allied air raids on enemy positions near Bangkok, near Rahaeng and at Singapore.

The Mosie found the enemy tanker near Medan and viciously attacked her. TK Kyuei Maru was carrying fuel and must be one of the last enemy TK's in operation at the edge of the 'Empire'. After 9 bomb hits she was left burning and sinking by the stern.........PG Eifuku Maru also took a bomb.



Regular air raids on Amboina, Macassar, Palembang, Bali and Balikpapan.

Damaged CV's harbouring in Kuching awaiting the total closure of Singapore before moving for repair in India.

Aviaition Support and Engineers have left Darwin bound for Jesselton.


CentPac -

Bad weather again prevented B29's bombing Takamatsu! A small fighter sweep shot down 3 enemy planes for the loss of 2 x P51D.

9 Betties tried to attack shipping at Iwo Jima escorted by 15 x Zero. 47 x P51D were on CAP and mauled all of the escorts and 7 of 9 enemy bombers.

Additional air groups are 5 days away from Iwo Jima (Corsairs, Mediums, TBM/SB2C's).

Tough fighting on Iwo continues:

Ground combat at Iwo Jima

Allied Deliberate attack

Attacking force 211307 troops, 1442 guns, 773 vehicles, Assault Value = 4486

Defending force 29021 troops, 30 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 494

Allied max assault: 4616 - adjusted assault: 7178

Japanese max defense: 316 - adjusted defense: 367

Allied assault odds: 19 to 1

Japanese ground losses:
696 casualties reported
Guns lost 2

Allied ground losses:
1030 casualties reported
Guns lost 18
Vehicles lost 6

Speedysteve -> 24th November 1944 (8/23/2007 12:47:42 PM)

Hi all,

Siam/Malaya -

An interesting landing was conducted by the Japanese at Alor Star, Malaya today! It is probably a small element from Sabang or Medan on Sumatra. Locals informed the Allies that approx 800 enemy men have landed. Not a serious threat and I have a Chinese Division 90 miles away to the NE and i'm sending a USA Tn Bn from Johore to aid from the south. I still have 14000 supply at Johore Bharu. This won't delay me at all.

The offending AK was pummeled by Mossies throughout the day.

Rangoon's B29's are to target Canton airfields again.....few places for the enemy to hide now other than Manchuria and some parts of China..............



A routine day down here.


CentPac -

Still no attacks by the B29's on Takamatsu. Maybe it's a boggie target[;)] As such i've ordered tomorrow attack with P51D's to Tokyo's HI............

It looks like Iwo's fight maybe starting to come to a bloody end for the Japanese:

Ground combat at Iwo Jima

Allied Deliberate attack

Attacking force 211185 troops, 1433 guns, 779 vehicles, Assault Value = 4463

Defending force 28396 troops, 27 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 486

Allied max assault: 4598 - adjusted assault: 6473

Japanese max defense: 290 - adjusted defense: 211

Allied assault odds: 30 to 1

Japanese ground losses:
1328 casualties reported
Guns lost 10

Allied ground losses:
858 casualties reported
Guns lost 11
Vehicles lost 12


Speedysteve -> 25th November 1944 (8/24/2007 2:19:23 PM)

Hi all,

Siam/Malaya -

The Japanese force chased some locals away from Alor Star today - NLF only.

Usual bombing in Siam/Malaya.



Fairly quiet today.


CentPac -

Tokyo was hit hard today and the Civilians had a sight to behold above:

Day Air attack on Tokyo , at 66,43

Japanese aircraft
A6M5 Zeke x 28
J2M Jack x 12
J1N1-S Irving x 26
Ki-44-IIb Tojo x 26
Ki-45 KAIb Nick x 5
Ki-61 KAIc Tony x 53
Ki-84-Ia Frank x 21
Ki-102a Randy x 17

Allied aircraft
P-51D Mustang x 115

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M5 Zeke: 27 destroyed
J2M Jack: 11 destroyed
J1N1-S Irving: 22 destroyed
Ki-44-IIb Tojo: 26 destroyed
Ki-45 KAIb Nick: 4 destroyed
Ki-61 KAIc Tony: 49 destroyed
Ki-84-Ia Frank: 19 destroyed
Ki-102a Randy: 17 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
P-51D Mustang: 16 destroyed, 10 damaged

Day Air attack on Tokyo , at 66,43

Japanese aircraft
A6M5 Zeke x 1
J2M Jack x 1
J1N1-S Irving x 4
Ki-45 KAIb Nick x 1
Ki-61 KAIc Tony x 4
Ki-84-Ia Frank x 2

Allied aircraft
B-29 Superfortress x 224

Japanese aircraft losses
A6M5 Zeke: 1 damaged
J2M Jack: 1 damaged
J1N1-S Irving: 2 damaged
Ki-61 KAIc Tony: 1 destroyed, 1 damaged

Allied aircraft losses
B-29 Superfortress: 19 damaged

Heavy Industry hits 72 - 200 more point damaged. 900 remain and 400 are damaged at Tokyo.

Aircraft bombing at 10000 feet

Tomorrow's target is Takamatsu HI again...............

Speedysteve -> 26th November 1944 (8/24/2007 2:33:54 PM)

Hi all,

Siam/Malaya -

B29's hit Canton hard again today. The place is a wreck and so many gutted enemy planes litter the airfields:

Day Air attack on Canton , at 43,41

Japanese aircraft
no flights

Allied aircraft
B-29 Superfortress x 183

Japanese aircraft losses
Ki-21 Sally: 12 destroyed
G4M2 Betty: 25 destroyed
A6M3a Zero: 1 destroyed
Ki-84-Ia Frank: 28 destroyed
E8N Dave: 2 destroyed
Ki-46-III Dinah: 3 destroyed

Allied aircraft losses
B-29 Superfortress: 3 damaged

Japanese ground losses:
370 casualties reported
Guns lost 8

Airbase hits 29
Airbase supply hits 4
Runway hits 270

Almost 160 were destroyed today. 68 of them were Franks.............

The RN CV's will begin to leave Columbo tomorrow to head to Kuching to escort CV Hancock and CV Bennington to India for repair. They will then head back with SC TF's to the SRA to give me a sea presence in the area again.

The Chinese have reached Alor Star and the division will attack the Japanese NLF tomorrow.


CentPac -

Japan again feelthe might of the United States............Takamatsu receives a drubbing today:

Day Air attack on Takamatsu , at 62,42

Japanese aircraft
J2M Jack x 12
Ki-84-Ia Frank x 20

Allied aircraft
P-51D Mustang x 91

Japanese aircraft losses
J2M Jack: 2 destroyed
Ki-84-Ia Frank: 3 destroyed, 1 damaged

Allied aircraft losses
P-51D Mustang: 1 destroyed

Day Air attack on Takamatsu , at 62,42

Allied aircraft
B-29 Superfortress x 156

Allied aircraft losses
B-29 Superfortress: 6 damaged

Heavy Industry hits 88 - roughly 300 of 600 HI damaged.

Aircraft bombing at 10000 feet

I will soon switch from HI attacks to Engine Plant attacks and then maybe airfield attacks or more industry.

53rd USA RCT has received orders today to start to embark at Kwajalein to invade Tulagi in the Solomans.........CVE's will support the re-occupation of the Solomans.

PzB74 -> RE: 26th November 1944 (8/25/2007 12:34:00 AM)

Must say I'm glad I threw in the kitchen sink to save the Bonins [8|]
My mid 45 ordeal is nada compared to what the poor Penguin is exposed to.....

If Japan can't delay Allies long enough the war will be over by the historical deadline without any
hope of producing Reppus and Shindens by May/June 45!

Is there anything left of the Imperial Fleet?

Speedysteve -> 27th November 1944 (8/25/2007 3:23:31 PM)

Hi all,

Hi PzB - There is still some of the Imperial Fleet left. I've sunk:

CV Amagi class x 3
CV Hiryu
CV Soryu
CV Junyo
CVL Ryujo
CVL Shoho
CVL Ryuho
CVL Zuiho
CVL Chitose
CVL Chiyoda
CVE Taiyo
CVE Hosho
BB Musashi
BB Nagato
BB Kirishima
5 x CA's
10 x CL's


Siam/Malaya -

The Chinese pushed the small Japanese detachment quickly out of Alor Star towards Khota Bharu. The Chinese will continue south before heading east towards Kuantan and then north to Khota Bharu.

Singapore and Bangkok heavily bombed today.



A risky, brave and surprising move by Faber as BB Kongo led a TF into Kuching!

They tangled with a mixture of damaged ships forming up to head back to India. My Cruisers and DD's fought bravely but by the end of the night CA Portland, CL Danae, DD Cony and DD Cowell had all sunk vs the Japanese DD Kari with 2 further DD's heavily damaged.

Here I felt my luck ran out............

SS Skipjack patrolling near Kuching found BB Kongo but all 4 torpedoes missed!

Then throughout the day a scattering of LBA hit the retiring Japanese. The key's here were the TBM's. In total 13 x TBM dropped torpedoes but none hit. Grrrrr.

I have decided to despatch a scratch force of 2 x CVE from Kuching to chase the Japanese to the NE Towards Camranh Bay. I don't expect to get him but you never know. I doubt he'll expect and CV's to be in the region.

CV Indomitable, CV Indefatigable + 3 x CVE are heading from Ceylon to Kuching to escort my damaged CV + other ships to India.


CentPac -

More tough fighting on Iwo Jima with the Japanese refusing to give up:

Ground combat at Iwo Jima

Allied Deliberate attack

Attacking force 210277 troops, 1368 guns, 780 vehicles, Assault Value = 4363

Defending force 25790 troops, 6 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 438

Allied max assault: 4477 - adjusted assault: 6052

Japanese max defense: 255 - adjusted defense: 358

Allied assault odds: 16 to 1

Japanese ground losses:
608 casualties reported
Guns lost 3

Allied ground losses:
777 casualties reported
Guns lost 19
Vehicles lost 8

Time for a rest and bombardments only tomorrow.

Another B29 BG has arrived at Saipan. B29's will target Nagoya's HI tomorrow.

A plane convoy has reached Iwo Jima delivering PBM's, Corsairs, B25's, TBM's and SB2C's....................

Capt. Harlock -> RE: 27th November 1944 (8/25/2007 8:25:26 PM)


More tough fighting on Iwo Jima with the Japanese refusing to give up:

Ground combat at Iwo Jima

Allied Deliberate attack

Attacking force 210277 troops, 1368 guns, 780 vehicles, Assault Value = 4363

Defending force 25790 troops, 6 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 438

Allied max assault: 4477 - adjusted assault: 6052

Japanese max defense: 255 - adjusted defense: 358

Allied assault odds: 16 to 1

Japanese ground losses:
608 casualties reported
Guns lost 3

Allied ground losses:
777 casualties reported
Guns lost 19
Vehicles lost 8

Time for a rest and bombardments only tomorrow.

You might even want to consider doing that for the rest of the war. (Historically, it is believed that roughly 3000 Japanese remained in caves even after the island was declared secure.)

Speedysteve -> 28th November 1944 (8/26/2007 2:36:35 PM)

Hi all,

Hi Capt. - Aye these are tough little buggers. I want to wipe them all out though so I can use all LCU's for the invasion of Japan. I will continue to shell for another couple of days before attacking again.


Siam/Malaya -

Heavy bombing as usual on Bangkok and Singapore.

Chinese units are 20 miles away from Kweiyang.

Firts B29 raid from Rangoon to Taan. Destroyed 9 x Tina's. Just to keep Faber honest i'll be randomly bombing most active bases.



My 2 x CVE raced NE towards Camranh Bay but only found the limping DD Karukaya. 2 torpedoes put her under. All helps towards winning the war I guess. I will continue NE near to Camranh Bay before heading back to Kuching.

Beaufighter's from Jesselton located the limping DD Nenohi and put a bomb into her. Not confirmed sunk though.

Rest of the region is stable (apart from my bombing) whilst we wait for Engineer/Aviation Support to reach Jesselton before the para landings begin..........


CentPac -

Nagoya was hit HARD today. P51D's claimed 9 x Nick, 23 x Tony and 15 x Frank for the loss of 2 P51D's. Then 216 x B29's dropped tonnes and tonnes of bombs on the HI. 400 of 900 is damaged now.

Another B29 BG landed at Saipan today.

Tomorrow's target is Osaka/Kobe HI.................

Speedysteve -> 29th November 1944 (8/28/2007 6:08:45 PM)

Hi all,

Siam/Malaya -

Routine day up here. British CV's passing Andaman Islands..............



Well well well. Look at what my 2 x CVE's found east of Camranh Bay:

Day Air attack on TF at 37,47

Japanese aircraft
A6M5 Zeke x 14

Allied aircraft
FM-2 Wildcat x 8
TBM Avenger x 8

No Japanese losses

Allied aircraft losses
FM-2 Wildcat: 3 destroyed
TBM Avenger: 3 destroyed, 2 damaged

Japanese Ships
CV Zuikaku
CV Kasagi, Torpedo hits 1

Aircraft Attacking:
1 x TBM Avenger launching torpedoes at 200 feet
4 x TBM Avenger launching torpedoes at 200 feet
Day Air attack on TF at 34,48

Japanese aircraft
A6M5 Zeke x 10
D4Y Judy x 22

Allied aircraft
FM-2 Wildcat x 16

Japanese aircraft losses
D4Y Judy: 11 damaged

Allied aircraft losses
FM-2 Wildcat: 3 destroyed

Allied Ships
CVE Sitkoh Bay
CVE Windham Bay, Bomb hits 1, on fire

Due to a lack of planes and fuel and the fact there are at least 2 x CV's against my CVE's are heading back to Kuching at full speed. Mustangs will fly from Kuching during the day to provide additional aircover.


CentPac -

Weather played against me today.

B29's headed towards Osaka today but the P51D escort failed to show up........50 B29's were lost but they took 13 of the enemy with them. The P51D's turned up later to exact revenge and shot down 70 enemy fighters for the loss of 6 x P51D.

We rest tomorrow...............


Speedysteve -> 30th November 1944 (8/28/2007 6:56:54 PM)

Hi all,

A fairly quiet day today with only the regular bombing raids against Bangkok, Singapore and throughout the SRA breaking the monotity. About 50 enemy planes were destroyed on the ground at Kweiyang by Mitchells and Camranh Bay by B29's.

Interestingly a Sub Minelaying TF of 10 x SS found and attacked the large ML Tsugaru at Hong Kong but missed her. Also SS Salmon hit an enemy mine near Hong Kong but will make Kuching.

Speedysteve -> End of November.............. (8/28/2007 7:16:44 PM)

Hi all,


Japanese: +1086
Allied: +6866


Japanese: -10 (-239 points)
Allied: + 10 bases (+1639 points)


Allies lost: 647
Japanese lost: 1832


Allies lost: 202
Japanese lost: 921


Allies lost: 71 ships (476 points)

Japanese lost: 22 ships (193 points)

Strategic points: + 2296 points

This is the pattern I expect to see from now increase in Strat bombing as well...........


Capt. Harlock -> RE: 29th November 1944 (8/28/2007 10:23:43 PM)


Well well well. Look at what my 2 x CVE's found east of Camranh Bay:

Taking a pair of jeep carriers into the South China Sea? No one can say you don't have guts!

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