6971grunt -> Siberian Train Wreck Vol. 1 (1/22/2006 11:40:46 PM)
I'm starting the AAR at the kind request of "niceguy2005" to see if attacking Russia in January, 1942, is pure folly or pure genius. Since I have undertaken such a venture in a game I'm presently playing, my experience may have some value to others. PURPOSE OF ATTACK:[:D] I undertook this attack for purely future economic reasons. It is apparent to me that the resource/oil flow from a captured Southeast Asia had a finite life. Russia offers a reasonable [if not lesser] source of resources/oil when USN submarine and naval forces gain the upper hand [and they will]. The resources and oil out of eastern Siberia are much closer to Japan's mainland and appear to be easier to protect over the long run. The new influx of resources and oil could only help my economy [assuming I can defeat the present Russian forces in the east and hold that portion of Siberia. ASSUMPTION(s):[:'(] The first major assumption made was that the Russians were historically tied to the defense of Moscow and their Western Front that few, if any, Russian forces could be spared for their Eastern Front. The second major assumption made was that the Chinese would not, and could not, intervene effectively before the defeat of Russian forces in Eastern Siberia. The third major assumption was that the USN would be hard-pressed to bring major naval and/or land forces to bear as reinforcements before defeat of Russian forces in Eastern Siberia. JAPANESE FORCE DISPOSITION(s):[&:] The major concentration of Japanese land and air forces would be in the east. There would be the placement of Japanese land and air "pinning forces" placed in the west to hold off Russian counter-attacks until the forces from the east could pivot and move to the west after securing Eastern Siberia. 1. EASTERN FRONT FORCES: A. 5th Army [w/HQ]: [based in Mutachiang, Manchuria] Infantry Divisions: 9, 11, 12, 19, 20, 29 & 57 Infantry Brigades: 1 Mixed, 7 Mixed, Karafuto Mixed [Japan] Armoured Regiments: 10 Artillery: Tone Hvy, 8 Hvy Combat Engineers: 5, 7, 9, 23, 27 Air Forces:[w/ HQs] Mutachiang AB: 3 Ftr Sqds [Zeros]; 3 Bmbr Sqds; 2 Reccon Sqds + AA Changkufeng AB [Korea]: 2 Ftr Sqds; 2 Bmbr Sqds 2 Reccon Sqds + AA Ominato AB [Japan]: 3 Bmbr Sqds + AA B. 3rd Army [w/HQ @ Mishan, Manchuria] @ Mishan, Manchuria Infantry Brigades: A/27, B/27 Cavalry Brigade: 3 Armoured Regiment: 11 @ Chiamussu, Manchuria Infantry Brigade: C/27 + Engineers Air Forces [w/HQs] + AA @ Chiamussu, Manchuria 2 Ftr Sqds [Nates & Tojos] 2 Bmbr Sqds 1 Reccon Sqd C. 4th Army [w/HQ] @ Sunwu, Manchuria Infantry Division: 24 Armoured Regiment: 15 Artillery Battalion: 10 Mtr Combat Engineer: 24 D. 20th Army [w/HQ] @ Heiho, Manchuria Infantry Divisions: 1, 8, 23, 25 Cavalry Divisions: 5, 6, 7 Mongolian Armoured Regiment: 23 Artillery Units: 2 Hvy, 8 Hvy, 10 Hvy Air Forces @ Heiho + AA 1 Ftr Sqd [Nates] 1 Bmbr Sqd 2. WESTERN FRONT: A. 6th Army [w/HQ] @ Hailar. Manchuria Infantry Divisions: 10, 14 & 28 Artillery Unit: Batanko Hvy + Engineers Air Forces @ Hailar + AA 1 Ftr Sqd [Nates] 1 Bmbr Sqd B. Along southern and eastern Mongolian border: Infantry Regiment: Arshan Cavalry Divisions: Mongol, 1, 2, 3, 4, 8 & 9 Mongolian "PLAN 55" [ASSAULT ON SIBERIA][sm=Crazy-1271.gif] It took about six [6] weeks to fully deploy the forces noted [it commenced on 12/7/41] so I was ready to move on 1/16/42. Japanese forces were moved to the border near their jumping off points prior to commencement of "Plan 55". This movement was noted by the allies, but they assumed it was "defensive positioning", but nothing ominous. The overall concept of "Plan 55" in Eastern Siberia was to strike at the southern and northern end of the Russian positions [Vladivostock in the south and Blagoveshchensk in the north]. The Japanese 3rd Army would hold the center and hopefully some Russian forces from swinging north and/or south. In Western Siberia, efforts would be made to try and take Borzya and pin the Russian forces there with the Mongolian Cavalry penetrating deep into Mongolia as far west as Ulan Bator and south of Boyza by seizing the Oboto-Choybalsan-Tamsag triangle. 1/18/42: Commencement of Hostilities EASTERN FRONT: The assault commences with the entire 5th Army [7 IDs, 1ArmR, 5 ComEngRegts and 2 HvyArtyBdges] moving to within one square [NW] of Vladivostock. IJA forces engage an Russian ID and fortress, driving from the field the ID. The 2 IBs attempt to cut-off the Russian forces along the Korean border from reinforcing Valdivostock. The 1 IB located on Sakalin Island moves north to seize Okha-Sakalin [major oil location] - no resistence is expected. Eastern Front Air Forces meet stiff resistence and take modest losses in spite of escorts. Fighter Sweeps with the Zeros in the south are very productive and destroy many Russkie pilots. All Russian ABs in Eastern Siberia are struck [damage is dissappointing]. Planes from Ominato, Japan do not fly due to weather [my biggest fear for a winter campaign]. IJA forces in the Sunwu-Heiho area [4th and 20th Armies] commence fording the Amur River to seize Kuysyshevka and Blagoveshchensk respectively. The 3rd Army holds the center as planned. WESTERN FRONT: The 6th Army in Hailar crosses the river and enters Boyza. Air strikes are again dissappointing, but weather is a major. Mongolian Cavalry Divisions enter southern and eastern Mongolia [as liberators?]. 1/19/42: EASTERN FRONT: The 5th Army again assaults the fortress guarding the northwestern approaches to Vladivostock - the fortress is overrun. Losses are considered "few" and the 5th Army is in good shape - advance into Vladivostock will continue. Russian forces are spotted just to the north of the 5th Army's present position [intel estimates 5,000 with AFV and Arty] -will detach three IDs and armour to deal with any threat to supply lines. 1st Mixed IB is now seen over by the Korean town of Changkufeng entering Russia [how did this happen?], well must make the best of it. 1st Mixed IB reports only a fortress present [where's the ID that intel said was there - Vladivostock?]. Air strikes are again commenced on Vladivostock with modest success [escorts seems to allow Russkie fighters into the formations - even the Zeros don't appear to stop them] - becoming annoyed. Fighter sweeps are taking a heavy toll on the Russkies - only positive thing about the air war so far. The 4th and 20th Armies are still crossing the Amur - no contact to report. Russian forces noted moving north to Blagoveshchensk as anticipated. Blagoveshchensk's AB struck with some success but my air losses are troublesome. WESTERN FRONT: 6th Army has crossed the river and assaults Boyza - the result is ugly. Elsewhere in the Western Theater, Mongolian Cavalry moves without incident. The Arshan IR moves into Tamsag without resistence - will take the town tomorrow. 1/20/42: EASTERN FRONT: 5th Army is still moving into the Vladivostock area with its detachment awaiting the arrival of the Russian relief force to its north. This force mst travel overland to get at my supply lines - so it may be awhile before they can be struck. This force could be headed for Uglahamensk as reinforcements, but will take about the same time. 4th Army seems to be off track - moving south instead of east! Not sure what that's all about, but orders given to move east. This delay is bothersome. The 20th Army is in Blagoveshchensk and attacks - fort is at "4" and we are repulsed [losses, however, are about even]. Will bombard next turn. 3rd Army area notes Russian forces moving into Manchuria near Chiamussu, sending the 3rd CD from Mishan to reinforce. Chiamussu AB flys ground strikes to slow the progress. Fort here is a "5". No noted Russian movement into the Mishan area. WESTERN FRONT: 6th Army is driven from Boyza by the garrison. Will await the anticipated counterattack on the other side of the river. The 3rd Mongolian CD takes Oboto. No air combat. 1/21/42: EASTERN FRONT: 5th Army still moving into Vladivostock [will be in the square tomorrow]. Air strikes continue on Vladivostock with Russian fighters damaging or driving off some of the bombers. Our fighter sweeps are making good progress in driving down the numbers of Russkie fighters in the Iman-Uglahamensk areas. Will rest the bombers tomorrow and just conduct fighter sweeps since they seem to be taking a toll on the Russkies and they seem rather willing to engage at over 10,000'. 20th Army conducts a rather effective bombardment of Blagoveshchensk - counter-bombardment seems ineffective. 5th, 6th and 7th Mongolian CDs are crossing the Amur north of Blagoveshchensk to move on Russian AB at Rukhlovo and to cut-off reinforcements from the west. The 4th Army is still trying to find its way across the Amur [it will get there eventually]. In the meantime, Russians are still moving forces to reinforce Blagoveshchensk [hoping the 4th Army can move in behind them to strike at Kuysyshevka]. 3rd Army notes that the Russian forces near Chiamussu seem to have held up, but air strikes continue. WESTERN FRONT: 6th Army counterattacks the 61st Russian ID as it crosses the river torward Hailar, driving it back to Boyza with heavy losses [hmmm, I wonder if this going to be this way all the time]. Meanwhile, the 4th Mongolian CD has seized Choybalsan to the south of Boyza. Russians are reacting with a sizeable force [where did that come from?]. Russian airstrike on Choybalsan with no effect [the 60 SB2s were rather impressive however]. It could be difficult to conduct a holding action to any length of time on this front. Russians seems to have been reinforced - will find out soon.[X(] AAR Note/Observation: My opponents have indicated that once my attack commenced the Russians received 2 IDs and an AD! Now, my question - if Uncle Joe is so busy saving Russia in the west how can he spare any forces for this little venture? Can hardly wait for the answer. Oh well, tomorrow is another day!