viking42 -> A few stupid questions (1/26/2006 2:06:28 PM)
Some things are still puzzling to me, i started playing again after a one year break, found a wife, had to be nice the first months, now i can fire turns again:) - Is there a road between the Kyushu island and the main Jap island or do i have to send supplies to both? (sasebo ---> osaka road) - How can it be on the grand campaign, that CVE/CVL based fighter squadrons upgrade to zeros but then get suddently 27 AC and pilots, not fitting anymore on those little CVE ( if kates are already onboard) - Troop/squadrons benefit from the presence of HQ's, but do those HQ unit need to be from the same zone (southeast fleet, china HQ, homedefence etc..) to be effective? IE, will a ground troop of 4th fleet benefit from a corps HQ unit from souhteast fleet? from a fellow reader, i'm there since ages but ya don't know it :)