tblersch -> RE: Improvement to Interface ? (3/3/2006 7:08:22 PM)
Though I never stopped playing the game (still am), I share the opinion that the interface is too reliant on mouse clicks, particularly in places where it doesn't make a whole lot of sense from a UI-perspective. A specific example is setting raid altitudes: right now, setting the altitude of a mission requires an occasionally outlandish number of clicks (e.g. I want my Spitfire XI to recon at max altitude...that's one click to get it to 30k feet, and ten more to get it to 40k. Multiply that by a dozen recon missions...and that's a lot of mouse clicks. Start staggering altitudes by hundreds of feet, it gets ridiculous.) Personally, I'd find game play much more pleasant if the ability to key-enter altitudes were added to the existing interface, so in the above example, instead of 11 mouse clicks to get from 30k to 40k feet, it requires one (click on the altitude), and five key strokes (4-0-0-0-0).