Roger Neilson II -> RE: British Far East HQ 20th April 1942 to 6th Mayl Briefing. (8/29/2006 8:42:37 AM)
Eyes only - utmost confidentiality. Summary of strategic situation in Japanese theatres of operations. Summary of position for joint allied war conference Noumea Late April/Early May 1942 India/Burma: Enemy forces in strength have pushed as far as Lashio but currently are halted there according to our recce boys. Our bases in India are now well stocked with bombers and these pay visits on a regular basis to Pagan and Mandalay interdicting his supply lines to his 100K troops out in the jungle. We have identified 14 units at Lashio all needing supply and all suffering from the usual jungle debilitations. His main Carrier force lies at anchor at Sabang following a brief raid into the shipping lanes between India and Australia. DEI The Japs control most of Sumatra and took Palembang but again our bombers have done their job well and oil production is down to 50% of pre-war level. Java is still entirely owned by our Dutch allies, On Borneo after initial success in the early days in taking the northern oil towns there has been no further development until a few days ago when a landing in force of over 20K of troops happened at Tarakan. This base was not defended but forces from nearby bases have begun a campaign of welcome to the new occupiers. All other areas are still under Allied control and building their defences well. Philippines Manila, Clark and Bataan still hold, though over recent days there has been a notable build up to over 200K troops at Clark. These staunch defences are causing the enemy massive delays to his timetable for conquest and bogging down serious amounts of troops that he would like to use elsewhere in the conflict. Solomons/ New Guinea Apart from two starving units that were at Lunga and have now retreated to Tassafaronga there is no enemy presence at all. Our bases are building nicely here and will form a strong shield against any moves from the enemy, whilst providing a jump off point for our reconquest of the Pacific. Pacific Islands A small enemy presence on Tarawa and Wake are all that show any development here from the Japanese forces. We can assume they are developing strong defences on their island chains in the Marshalls, Carolines and Marianas. China Initial concentrated attacks have pushed the Chinese off the main railway lines in China but the Japanese have not followed up into the heartlands of China. They currently seem to be developing a thrust in the north with an initial objective of Homan. Economic and materiel aspects We are now receiving amounts of supply and fuel from the USA and Middle East along robust lines of communications. There is a steady infusion of new troops into theatre, some of which have experience elsewhere, others are well trained but await initial blooding. Our air and naval units are building up experience and since the start of May we are assured of replacement aircraft for may of the obsolete types stationed out here when war began. There is a decline already in the level of the Japanese pilots as their initial veterans are removed from their squadrons. Our troops are aware of the tactics necessary to overcome the Japanese on land, sea and air and have demonstrated that the supposed superiority of the enemy is not true at all. Japan’s war aims were to seize resources and oil in order to support their industry. They have done neither to the extent they need to suitable prosecute an all out war against the allies. Operations Turtle, Doormouse, Cheshire Cat and DrinkMe are all sanctioned for execution. [image]local://upfiles/21586/9198B0906DAF4BEA9F150F2E8AC2537E.jpg[/image]