Game"minimizes" ?? (Full Version)

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Husard -> Game"minimizes" ?? (2/16/2006 8:01:12 AM)

Hi to all of you.
I recently bought CoG and i enjoy it so far but there is a strange behavior that is bothering me pretty much. During Game it happens very often that the Screen "minimizes" back to Desktop ,Windows-style [:@]. The bothering part is, that i often lose the sound effects when i maximize it again or that i can't make any selections with the cursor at all. The only Thing to do is to kill the Task via Task Manager and Restart [&:]
It happend with both the official and the beta patch.
Drives are all updated except the Graphics cuz Asus is very very slow in putting out a new drivers for their cards. [>:]

Hope to find some suggestions here


garoco -> RE: Game"minimizes" ?? (2/22/2006 3:44:56 AM)

it seems ram memory problem

ericbabe -> RE: Game"minimizes" ?? (2/23/2006 9:28:07 PM)

I don't recall any reports of the game's spontaneously minimizing before. (People did report with early versions that they couldn't get it to minimize when they wanted to.)

There may be a DirectX issue involved, since I think to minimize a DirectX application requires some intervention on the part of DirectX. So you may try updating your version of DirectX if by any chance you're using an older version of that. To check if it is a RAM issue, have you tried running the game in low animation mode to see whether or not the issue is memory related?

Husard -> RE: Game"minimizes" ?? (2/27/2006 2:59:09 PM)

Well, i have the latest directx installed and my memory works just fine...tested it with various programms,stresstests etc etc.

ericbabe -> RE: Game"minimizes" ?? (2/27/2006 5:59:45 PM)



Well, i have the latest directx installed and my memory works just fine...tested it with various programms,stresstests etc etc.

How much RAM do you have? Do you have other applications running at the same time as COG?

I've noticed that Norton auto-update can cause COG to crash during multi-player and to minimize when it begins a scheduled task. Other applications such as instant-messengers might cause this, though I've used MSN and Skype over the top of a running COG without problems.

Are you able to restore to COG after it minimizes using the task manager? (And if so, does it minimize again afterwards?)


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