JVega -> RE: Still trying to get a PBEM game started if anyone's interested (2/24/2006 4:58:03 PM)
I'm willing to play a PBEM game. :) Though I'm not sure if we can; I've got SP:WaW (the free one) and it's latest patch from the MatrixGames website, but I've never heard of the multimod. If you point me in the right direction though, I'm willing to give it a shot! I prefer small battles myself, both because it's more tactical and, frankly, I'm not that good. If I get 2000+ points, I end up confused and make horrible mistakes when buying, and worse when deploying. I'll play any country, but I prefer those with good elite infantry units. Arty at 140 is fine by me, even though I prefer less. And.. just a heads up, since I'm still in school and all, I may not always be able to play like 5+ turns every day. :P