Panzer Command FAQ (Full Version)

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Erik Rutins -> Panzer Command FAQ (2/17/2006 9:27:53 PM)

Hi everyone,

Here's some basic info on Panzer Command, which as of this posting is in a late Alpha state, to help answer your questions. Please keep in mind that info and screenshots at this point are all from an Alpha build.

1. What other games is this like?

Well, it's a 3D tactical game, so comparisons to Combat Mission will be inevitable, but it's not designed to be the same. This is designed to appeal to grognard wargamers, but also to less hard-core gamers who want to dip their feet in some wargaming. In other words, this does not intend to be the War in the Pacific of tactical games or the next CM, but it's way more historical than non-wargames and very enjoyable. If I had to compare it to existing games, I would say more of a cross between Close Combat and Panzer General (because it has campaigns).

Panzer Command: Operation Winter Storm is turn-based (each turn consists of two 40 second phases, the first for orders, the second for reactions and targeting) and has a great PBEM system for head to head play. There is a German and a Soviet campaign and all the campaign battles can be played as set battles as well

2. What's so great about it?

3D World War II Tactical Combat! Germans and Soviets! A historical operation that had the opportunity for offense and defense for both sides in the midst of a strategic turning point for the Eastern Front. This game has some splendid visuals in addition to having historical stats and tactics. It also has a campaign for each side, which allows your core units to follow from scenario to scenario, possibly gaining experience and medals or losing experience if you fill them out with replacements. In addition, the game data is in XML format and is thus easily moddable based on your preferences, the game art is also accessible and designed to allow user customization. A skirmish level will allow you to mix and match forces from the campaign in a fictional battle set in the same time frame.

3. What units are included?

Stat-wise, we've included pretty much everything to make modding and future expansion easy, but not all will have active models in the game for this campaign. In some cases, it's as easy as editing an XML file to get something in (for instance a new infantry type). Here's what should be in and working at release (subject to change):


SdKfz 222
PzKfw IVF1
Sd Kfz 250
Sd Kfz 251
Marder II
Regular Infantry
Anti-Tank Rifles
PaK 38 Anti-Tank Gun
PaK 40 Anti-Tank Gun
Off-board Artillery (Guns, Mortars, Nebelwerfers)
Opel Blitz

T-34/76 M1941
T-34/76 M1942
T-70 M1942
KV-1 Model 1941
ZIS-3 Anti-tank Gun
ZIS-2 Anti-tank Gun
45mm Anti-Tank Gun M1942
Rifle Squads
Guards Rifles
Anti-Tank Rifles
Off-board Artillery (Guns, Mortars, Katyushas)

I may have missed a few, but you get the idea...

4. What kind of stats are we talking here?

For example, let's take a T-34 M1941. It's rated for Front/Side and Rear armor in twelve different positions. Let's take one of the three Turret positions, where it has a "7r / 6 / 5" rating. That means the Front armor is 7 (Rounded), side is 6 and Rear is 5. The game calculates where the shots are coming from and rolls to see which part of the tank was hit. The 76.2mm/L42 cannon it has is rated for a ROF of 4 and has stats for accuracy and penetration at various range bands and for various ammo types. Each ammo/gun combo also has a rating for its destructive power once it actually penetrates as well as its chance to stun the target on a hit.

Infantry is rated based on its aggregate firepower at various ranges. There is also a morale system with stats varying by unit and nationality, an experience system, sighting, etc. All of this combines to make for a realistic gameplay experience, though you don't need to delve into the stats and tables in order to play.

5. How about a screenshot?

Sure, I'll post a few in this thread shortly and there will be much more info to come as we get closer to release. Thanks for your interest!

Erik Rutins -> RE: Panzer Command FAQ (2/17/2006 9:41:10 PM)

Screenshot 1:


Erik Rutins -> RE: Panzer Command FAQ (2/17/2006 9:42:03 PM)

Screenshot 2:


wodin -> RE: Panzer Command FAQ (2/17/2006 9:42:23 PM)

Its getting better and better!

Erik Rutins -> RE: Panzer Command FAQ (2/17/2006 9:42:28 PM)

Screenshot 3:


koiosworks -> RE: Panzer Command FAQ (2/17/2006 10:14:51 PM)

some more screenshots... Rocket Artillery barrage


koiosworks -> RE: Panzer Command FAQ (2/17/2006 10:19:18 PM)

close up of tank (note Normal Maps and Shadows, but these are still in progress so this is an Alpha image)


koiosworks -> RE: Panzer Command FAQ (2/17/2006 10:22:18 PM)

one last one - fire in the hole...


Hertston -> RE: Panzer Command FAQ (2/17/2006 10:31:36 PM)

Just promise me one thing, chaps... no "Wafflegrenadiers", hmm ? [:-] [:D]

Erik Rutins -> RE: Panzer Command FAQ (2/17/2006 10:46:00 PM)


ORIGINAL: Hertston
Just promise me one thing, chaps... no "Wafflegrenadiers", hmm ? [:-] [:D]

No SS units in these campaigns, actually. Feel free to edit in your own. [8D]

The main German campaign orients around the 6th Panzer Division and the Soviet side is focused on the 7th Tank Corps.


- Erik

sabre100 -> RE: Panzer Command FAQ (2/17/2006 11:32:02 PM)

Hi Erik -

Will this game feature the "card system" that Koios Works had in their last 2 games? I am hoping the answer is no?


mbelew -> RE: Panzer Command FAQ (2/17/2006 11:56:40 PM)


Will this game feature the "card system" that Koios Works had in their last 2 games? I am hoping the answer is no?

Negatory, no card system.

Erik Rutins -> RE: Panzer Command FAQ (2/18/2006 12:02:02 AM)


ORIGINAL: sabre100
Will this game feature the "card system" that Koios Works had in their last 2 games? I am hoping the answer is no?

Very different game from the last two, though done by the same folks. No card system at all.


- Erik

sabre100 -> RE: Panzer Command FAQ (2/18/2006 12:04:13 AM)

Excellent thanks for the quick reply.

Erik Rutins -> RE: Panzer Command FAQ (2/18/2006 12:24:05 AM)

More shots...


Erik Rutins -> RE: Panzer Command FAQ (2/18/2006 12:24:34 AM)

And another shot...


old man of the sea -> RE: Panzer Command FAQ (2/18/2006 12:51:53 AM)

Now this LOOKS like a game.


I'm in.


jungelsj_slith -> RE: Panzer Command FAQ (2/18/2006 1:29:10 AM)

Is this the combat mission engine?

Also, who's developing it?

Erik Rutins -> RE: Panzer Command FAQ (2/18/2006 1:49:52 AM)


ORIGINAL: molotov_billy
Is this the combat mission engine?

Also, who's developing it?

Nope, brand new modern engine developed by Koios Works.


- Erik

Arckon -> RE: Panzer Command FAQ (2/18/2006 2:09:25 AM)

In the second screenshot AP,APCR and HE buttons are?

Is it possible to give a brief outline of how a turn may play out, length of time to play a turn, etc?

benpark -> RE: Panzer Command FAQ (2/18/2006 2:30:42 AM)

VERY cool!

JSS -> RE: Panzer Command FAQ (2/18/2006 2:37:53 AM)

This looks awesome!

ravinhood -> RE: Panzer Command FAQ (2/18/2006 2:46:15 AM)

Will this have a "random battle generator"?? And/or Buy point system for setting up random battles?

Also how many years do we have to wait on this one? Another Combat Leader? ;)

Erik Rutins -> RE: Panzer Command FAQ (2/18/2006 2:57:34 AM)


In the second screenshot AP,APCR and HE buttons are?

Those are different ammo types available for that particular gun/tank.


Is it possible to give a brief outline of how a turn may play out, length of time to play a turn, etc?

Sure - it's WEGO, so both sides enter their orders at the start of the first phase. If you've already given units orders on previous turns and you just want them to keep doing that, that's fine too. Once orders are in, the game calculates the results and plays them for you for the next 40 seconds. At that point, you can rewind and watch it from different angles, at different speeds, etc. During the replay, you can click on events as they happen to zoom in on them (there's a small clickable event list on the right) and there's also a "kill cam" that can be turned on or off so you don't miss the action (it zooms to the event and goes into "bullet time").

At the 40 second mark, you hit the reaction phase. If you're happy with how things are going, you can just click to have it calculate another 40 seconds until the next orders phase, or you can adjust things a bit. The most you can do in the Reaction phase is tell a moving unit to halt and change targeting orders, you can't make more changes than that - it's basically a chance to react to new sightings or situations in a limited way. Once the next 40 seconds are done, you get to another Orders phase and so on until one side or another has won the scenario.


- Erik

Erik Rutins -> RE: Panzer Command FAQ (2/18/2006 2:59:00 AM)


ORIGINAL: ravinhood
Will this have a "random battle generator"?? And/or Buy point system for setting up random battles?

It has a point buy system and a skirmish level which allows you to pick and choose from all the units in the game. With that said, taking any of the existing maps and modifying the forces or changing their deployments is a matter of just editing the XML (basically text files).


Also how many years do we have to wait on this one? Another Combat Leader? ;)

I'd say less than three months. Most likely April.


- Erik

benpark -> RE: Panzer Command FAQ (2/18/2006 3:09:44 AM)

Erik, is there a map editor that will be released with the game? How is the infantry combat done?

Also, I'd love a shot of the infantry...

Erik Rutins -> RE: Panzer Command FAQ (2/18/2006 3:17:32 AM)



ORIGINAL: benpark
Erik, is there a map editor that will be released with the game?

Nope, since these maps are done by hand down to each pixel. We track terrain and elevation down to each meter. With that said, using any of the maps in the game and making a new scenario on them from the available units, which are intended to provide good coverage of mid-late 42 Eastern Front combat is not hard at all. Just XML files.

Now, we WANT to do a full set of editing tools that would allow players to make their own maps and so on, but we won't be doing that for the initial release. This is intended to be a series and we will be looking at the sales of the first title with great interest. If the sales meet our expectations, we will be happy to build full editing tools and a lot of other stuff as the series continues on other WWII campaigns. [8D]


How is the infantry combat done?

Also, I'd love a shot of the infantry...

I have to keep a few things to discuss later. Seriously though, just out of time for now. I'll post more on this soon.


- Erik

wodin -> RE: Panzer Command FAQ (2/18/2006 3:54:57 AM)


ORIGINAL: benpark

Also, I'd love a shot of the infantry...

You can see infantyr on one f the screenshots.

Three men to a squad:(

They can make an option to increase that. So see my vote thread.

ioticus -> RE: Panzer Command FAQ (2/18/2006 5:09:04 AM)

Great news. Hopefully, with Koios at the helm, the strategic AI will be much better than Combat Mission, which was really bad and soured me on that game.

bradfordkay -> RE: Panzer Command FAQ (2/18/2006 5:52:49 AM)

If you can, could you also show a screenshot of hilly terrain? Thanks...

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