Suggestion on Opportunity Fire (Full Version)

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Jamie -> Suggestion on Opportunity Fire (7/9/2000 8:46:00 PM)

One of the most annoying features of the Steel Panthers system has always been the way opportunity fire works; units blast away at whatever moves or fires in their line of sight as long as it is withen the set range. Currently the problem has become far worse. 88mm AA guns never have any fire to use against either aircraft or vehicles (their most important targets) because they are busily trying to pick off snipers and scouts. This is nonsense. Could a function be created which would allow the player to set target priority as well as range for opportunity fire? For example a unit could be set to fire at; whatever (current), vehicle, AFV, aircraft, infantry, boat. Jamie

Paul Vebber -> (7/9/2000 9:45:00 PM)

In version 3 there will be a mode where you can "command by negation" ie when an opfire is triggered it will show the line of fire and prompt you to say yes or no so you only take the opfire shots you want. YOu can set the delay you have to make the choice form 1 to 60 seconds. Note that this will not work in pbem games...only vs AI and TCP/IP

Polrbear -> (7/9/2000 11:12:00 PM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Paul Vebber: Paul, Do we have any hope for an email solution to the opportunity fire issue? The way "West Front" addressed this problem seems adequate and would be greatly appreciated in SPWAW.

Jamie -> (7/9/2000 11:45:00 PM)


Originally posted by Paul Vebber: In version 3 there will be a mode where you can "command by negation" ie when an opfire is triggered it will show the line of fire and prompt you to say yes or no so you only take the opfire shots you want. YOu can set the delay you have to make the choice form 1 to 60 seconds. Note that this will not work in pbem games...only vs AI and TCP/IP
Thanks, Paul, When will version 3 appear?

Paul Vebber -> (7/21/2000 3:55:00 AM)

Adding extensive OPfire controls is a pretty involved piece of "code surgery" even just adding the command by negation has opened some bugs we need to squash before release. TO be honest after playing a few "live" games I am firmly hooked. PBEM seems quite artificial now. PLaying online with ROger WIlco is the closet "game experience" to good old Face-to-Face I have yet experienced. I realize those of you who pay by the minute for access have a problem. We will see what we can do, but no promises. We hope to have Version 3 out in a few weeks.

Arralen -> (7/21/2000 4:28:00 AM)


Originally posted by Paul Vebber: Adding extensive OPfire controls is a pretty involved piece of "code surgery" even just adding the command by negation has opened some bugs we need to squash before release.
Wouldn't it have been easier to set a "minimum hit-chance for opfire" in the preferences? So you can e.g. tell your troops only to opfire when the chance to hit is greater 10% (or whatever you like, or your ammo supply allows [img][/img] ) just my 2 Eumel of thoughts ( it's 0,02 EU = 2 Eumel) Arralen

Paul Vebber -> (7/21/2000 5:38:00 AM)

WHile we can do that for "base" hit chance, the leader bonus is determined at the moment of combat and can be a pretty big modifier. That is possible, but I think folks want to be able to "filter" infantry, trucks or such out, so they save opfire for the type of unit they want to shoot at.

Jamie -> (7/21/2000 6:00:00 AM)


Originally posted by Paul Vebber: WHile we can do that for "base" hit chance, the leader bonus is determined at the moment of combat and can be a pretty big modifier. That is possible, but I think folks want to be able to "filter" infantry, trucks or such out, so they save opfire for the type of unit they want to shoot at.
Exactly, Paul. I really do not care if my 88 has a 90% to hit chance against snipers. I do not want it wasting its few available shots firing at such a target which can be taken care of by so many other toys.

Kluckenbill -> (7/10/2000 8:32:00 AM)

I mostly PBEM so it would be great to have a fix for PBEM. Its just too hard to get several both myself and my oponent free for the same few hours to play live. Although like all other player, I would like all kinds of Opp Fire options, I think that just using to-hit % instead of range would be a HUGE improvement. EG an 88 would have a 30-40% or thereabouts hit % on a vehicle at a given range but the usual 2% vs a sniper and maybe 4% vs regular grunts.

Paul Vebber -> (7/10/2000 8:49:00 AM)

When we release Version 3 we hope to have an opponant matching service so if you are in the mood for a game, you can find an opponant ready and waiting!

BA Evans -> (7/10/2000 11:04:00 PM)


Originally posted by Paul Vebber: In version 3 there will be a mode where you can "command by negation" ie when an opfire is triggered it will show the line of fire and prompt you to say yes or no so you only take the opfire shots you want. YOu can set the delay you have to make the choice form 1 to 60 seconds.
Hi Paul, When the 'opfire' message appears, will it also include the percentage chance to hit? I realize this % chance will chance a bit when your men pull the trigger. The % to hit is one of (the) most important statistics I look at when determining which target I will fire at. Thanks, BA Evans

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