France must be the host? (Full Version)

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Grand_Armee -> France must be the host? (2/27/2006 7:49:47 AM)

Recently Garoco and I started a new TCP/IP game. This time I was playing France and he Britain(1792). He started out hosting until I realised 3 things:

a. My production changes had to be reset every turn...despite saving and restarting

b. Units I had placed in production were disappearing

c. about 1/2 of my movement orders were not carried out. These could even be as simple as removing a militia division from a container and placing it in a city within the same province.

Husard -> RE: France must be the host? (3/16/2006 12:59:05 AM)

I had a similar effect during my tcp/ip fight. My Brother had Spain and i had France(acted also as Host). After the first turn the Spanish
1. didnt recieve an Report
2. his Economy,which took him 2 hours to adjust^^, was completely ruined.
3. the turns after that Spain still got no reports

ericbabe -> RE: France must be the host? (3/16/2006 5:26:07 PM)

I'll try that particular configuration. We haven't seen this in our recent testing, but there are some things that are dependent upon player-order and host/client order.

ericbabe -> RE: France must be the host? (3/16/2006 6:28:45 PM)

Thinking this over and poking through the code a bit more, I'm beginning to wonder if the problems you are experiencing aren't simply due to the Direct Play libraries dropping packets. We're using "confirmed UDP mode" -- which is not supposed to drop any packets -- but I have seen evidence in the debugger that this library can indeed drop packets and continue to run as if nothing wrong had happened. This would sufficiently explain why sometimes you get these problems, sometimes not, and why we are unable to duplicate them on our LAN and Internet testing.

We are looking into migrating from the Direct Play libraries to another set of TCP/IP libraries (Microsoft has deprecated the Direct Play libraries, another reason to migrate to new libraries.) I will give migration priority over other TCP/IP related issues and, if I can get a new TCP/IP library working, we can see if this solves problems like the ones you are describing.

Another thing we could do is that I could add my own packet-dropping detection routines to augment (or fix) the Microsoft library's UDP protocol. But I'd prefer to try migrating first.

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