albionmoonlight -> Moderated Q&A Chat? (3/2/2006 12:53:30 AM)
I realize that, due to the climate, an open Q&A with the development team would not be productive. But, since the game is near release, and since there will not be a demo, I wonder if there might not be time for a moderated Q&A with the developer. Something where questions are submitted to a moderator, and those legitimate questions having to do with gameplay are posted for the developer to answer. That would allow the moderator to screen "trolls" but still allow the gaming community to learn what they are about to buy. There are a few questions on the forum now (about the kicking game, the clock, penalty yardage, etc.) that seem very legitimate. I think, though, that they might get lost in the rumor mill without being answered. Since some people want this game for career play, and some for CFL rules, and some for American college football, etc., there is a broader audience with a broader set of questions than might otherwise be out there. It might be nice, accordingly, to know what features will and won't be in the game and how customizable things are right out of the box (or, at least, how difficult it will be to make third party mods to accomplish certain tasks). I am not sure of the best way to run such a chat--maybe have some chat program, invite whoever want to be there to be there, and then post the transcript on here after it is completed. In fact, people who are not going to make the chat could even email questions to the moderator beforehand. However you decide to run it, it seems like a decent idea and a way to make up for the lack of a demo. Otherwise, reports about the game will start to come from anyone with a copy of it--and those reports may not be totally accurate. Thanks for your time.