Mech Edit and Matrix Games (Full Version)

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Mike Wood -> Mech Edit and Matrix Games (3/2/2006 7:03:36 AM)


Just talked with David and Bernie. Matrix Games does not warrantee MechEdit in any fashion, but the executable has been authorized by Matrix Games.

The program is a Disk Operation System (DOS) program. Should you choose to use it, you will need to so do from a DOS window.

It allows the user to change the Leader and Troop Experience and Morale values stored in Mech.exe and was made as a stop gap measure, to be used until the Matrix mech.exe programmer adds the feature to the game.

Have Fun...

Michael Wood
Lead Programmer,
Matrix Games

Orzel Bialy -> RE: Mech Edit and Matrix Games (3/2/2006 7:14:08 AM)

That is good to hear Mike. Thanks to you David and Bernie for getting together and getting this all straightened out for us.

Can't wait to see the final, official MG version of the SPWAW editor and any new options that will be included! [8D]

TheDesertRat -> RE: Mech Edit and Matrix Games (3/2/2006 7:56:57 AM)

Thanks, David, Mike and Bernie for clearing this matter up.

As mentioned by David, I will be pleased to see an update with this properly integrated in the game in the future.

Alby -> RE: Mech Edit and Matrix Games (3/2/2006 8:27:52 AM)

Thanks Mike!
and thanks TDR for trying to improve the game.

Major_Mess -> RE: Mech Edit and Matrix Games (3/2/2006 8:53:51 AM)

I'm taking this as a Good Omen.

A Real Good Omen.

Thank You All.[&o]

Major Mess

IBTyrone -> RE: Mech Edit and Matrix Games (3/2/2006 4:32:43 PM)

David, Bernie, Mike and TDR...good work. This game keeps getting better. We appreciate it!

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