PimpYourAFV -> RE: An Ode to the Forum (3/25/2006 4:07:13 AM)
Here we go again. KG Erwin along with his cronies JEB Davis, omegaall, and azraelck set up another hate threat trolling for more unhappiness. I'm bumping this thread so that newcomers passing through this site will know what kind of creeps hang out here. It's only fair to them. I haven't read the huge number of responses to this thread and never will. I'm sure there's far more hate and bitterness contained in the responses of this thread than on the rest of all the wargaming threads on the internet combined. This thread should be kept topped as a plaque to the character of those who grovel within the stale, cigarette smoke filled, dark, gloomy confines of this forum. It's obvious from your posts that you all are very unhappy, most probably depressed, and rely on cigarettes, booze and/or other unhealthy addictions to maintain your will to live. Instead of going on with this endless cycle of hair and anger, the whole cranky lot of you old men should start to consider that I'm not actually the problem and all I'm doing is saying a few words in my defense here and there after being pushed and pushed. I think azraelck quit his day job just to spend hours each day posting hate. You all just can't handle the fact that I don't go by the book and refuse to act/think/talk exactly like all of you do. Harrassing me and being general a$$holes sure won't convince me to change me into you either. The real problem is you old, bitter folks are out of shape, bored, got very low self-esteems and have no hobbies or goals in life. To fix this, try doing regular exercise, change your daily routine, join a club or evening class, write down some goals, meet some new people, try telephone dating if you're not too ugly and can think of something funny to say, and open your minds to the concept that your by-the-book boredom is not the way everything should be. There's a better way than binge drinking and posting hate on the internet to deal with your depression. In short, you need to break out of your psychic sclerosis and plan some way to bring happiness into your lives. A good first step to changing is to say to yourselves, "I am responsible for my unhappiness. No one else is. Only I can make myself happy." Everyone is responsible for his own feelings and state of affairs. Don't blame your bitter nature on someone who posts his ideas and stories on the internet which your shackled mind can't handle. [:-] I'm posting a story now on this forum and may post a 2nd one. It is not intended for the regulars but if you can refrain from commenting, go ahead and read it cause it will help unthaw your mind. Nothing in life should be taken seriously or you will have endless stress. My stories are for myself and my friends to read. You take my advice in this post and try to become happy. Please! That is all.