Lions -> RE: Short List of Addressing Items (March 13) (3/14/2006 6:57:07 AM)
David, I understand about 3 and 10 using CFL rules but how come when a computer team punts the ball and the ball lands near the 20 yard line and bubbles down to the 5 yard line, I as the human control team who is near the ball cannot move the control player to get the ball and run with it? I will explain in great details... QUESTION: Is the problem that the player stands on the ball and you can't pick it up, or the player runs past the ball? ANSWER: The problem is when my controlled player is getting ready for the ball to come to him, the ball punts overhead and the player who I am controlling is trying to get the ball but the player never came back to get the ball. Some of the computer players run pass the ball and continue to run into the endzone. They don't even get the lose ball. Some of the line backers come back they froozed up and form a straight line protecting the ball and they froozed up. Some of the players shake and tweeked back and forth. Some of the players will fall down but nothing hit them. Like they just fell for no reason. QUESTION: Is the ball moving (bouncing around) or stationary? ANSWER: Once the ball is punted, the ball does bounce and then it stationary. While I am trying to get my controlled player to get the ball, the computer players all run pass me and keep on running beyound the end zone? My defensive players all lined up in a striaght line but they do not move at all. My friend here saw this and he is saying that it is not the gamepad, there is a bug that needs to be fixed. Can this be resolved because it will be very disappointing not to fix this. I sim in a league and the same thing happens as in quick play. Shall I try a different game pad?