ericbabe -> RE: 1.2.18 limited wool production (3/15/2006 7:44:40 PM)
The resource production values were based on several historical economic atlases, and were tweaked up/down from those values for the sake of interesting game-play. The production values are easily modded if players wish to experiment with different values. Also I should mention that textiles -- as all of the resource categories -- are meant to represent wide sectors of the economy, not just sheep in a field. It would probably be more accurate if we had invented little acronyms for each resource to describe all of the things in each economic sector, but I think the tangible names are easier to remember and better for the imagination. Textile is perhaps the widest category of resources, and is meant to encapsulate much advanced economic activity (represented by textiles, which were to the Napoleonic era what spices were to the Middle Ages and what microchips are to the modern era.)