Possible Bug with Polish Art. ? (Full Version)

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Husard -> Possible Bug with Polish Art. ? (3/16/2006 8:50:19 PM)

I hust launched a 1792 scenario with the Russians and attacked the Poles. During the 1st Battle with them i noticed something weird.
1. launched a Cavalry Charge on his exposed Arty unit rearsides. Cav was at 50 % strength not shaken and with Platov commanding Division. Result was that Arty was still standing there with 21 lost????
2.Attacked with a full strength Cossack division the same Arty Unit once again from rearside with the same Result.

IMO the darn Arty Unit (2000 strength) should be gone or captured but instead it isnt even shaken or routed or whatever.

Husard -> RE: Possible Bug with Polish Art. ? (3/17/2006 5:21:08 PM)

Well either it's me or there is a concept of the game that i don't understand.

I started a new 1792 scenario as the Austrians and soon there was the 1st battle and once again i had the same bloody joke as with the Russians in my previous post.
1. 5 times full strength attacks from everywhere around the arty unit with the result that i lost +- 5000 troops while he was shooting back,even after those attacks.His best shot was 1560 casualities after my 4th attack in a row.
2. No noticable morale loss for that particular arty unit.
3. My arty unit got charged because i didnt pay attention and guess what....of course.. it got captured with 1400 losses. Playing stupid must be punished so it's ok that i lost that Arty unit, but why can't i capture his?

Is there something i am missing there??
Some advice is greatly appreciated

ericbabe -> RE: Possible Bug with Polish Art. ? (3/17/2006 6:30:02 PM)

I've stepped through the combat modifiers in the attack and defense sequences many times and I believe they are all working properly. I would refer you to the section of the manual that lists the combat modifiers since there are so many modifiers to combat.

Two things to watch for in charge combat in particular: (1) the fatigue penalty for cavalry is very high (and I believe we made it even moreso in a patch, and (2) charging into a non-open hex is also very risky. Also, since this is at the division level, facing isn't as important as it is in games that represent figures at the battalion level (although facing is still a significant modifier, it's nothing like the determining factor that it is in many sets of miniatures rules, for the reason of scale that I mentioned.)

The combat results are based on a percentile range with a factor that biases the result toward a Gaussian curve (it's basically (Random(100)+Random(100))/2) so it is quite possible to roll extraordinarly high or low combat results. Also, depending on the difficulty level of the game, the AI does receive a bonus (or penalty!) to its combat rolls. The charge attacks are even riskier than this curve would indicate -- there are additional small chances that any charge will either fall apart and go terribly badly for the attacker (though charges against disordered infantry and artillery units are usually fairly safe), and there are chances that any charge (no matter how stupid it looks) will be a success for the attacker.

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