Password not being sent for Members section (Full Version)

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Coach J -> Password not being sent for Members section (3/18/2006 2:05:24 AM)

I've filled out the info and never got my password in an e-mail.

I re-registered and it said..A password already exist for this e-mail.
Click here to resend the password. I went through this 3 times already and I never get a password in my e-mail. Therefore I can't get into the members section to download any files

Erik Rutins -> RE: Password not being sent for Members section (3/18/2006 3:33:19 AM)

Please double check any spam or junk-mail filters. 99% of the time the reason it was not received is that a filter either on a customer's computer or on their ISP intercepted or blocked the e-mail.


- Erik

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