Nemo121 -> RE: 1.8? (4/5/2006 12:50:46 AM)
two questions: I've run into two issues with 1.795 and am interested to know if they are fixed in 1.8. 1. It seems impossible to change transport planes and recon planes into kamikazes in 1945. Since transport planes could just be loaded with explosives they'd make great, if vulnerable, kamikazes so in 1.8 are we going to be able to turn ALL Japanese plane types into kamikazes? If Japan was being invaded I'm sure the Japanese wouldn;t have failed to send transports, night fighters, Emilys etc out. Just today I managed to gut Enterprise in the 1945 scenario with 9 kamikaze hits out of a wave of 24 Sonias so I'm now a kamikaze fanboy :). 2. Pickup of units by transport planes appears to be completely broken in 1.795. I am unable to pickup any of my air-dropped parachute units. I'm having to FT them from their dropzones.