firebirds -> RE: STILL NO GRAPHIC ON FIELD (4/5/2006 3:51:19 PM)
DONMVP or anybody else that might be able to help, I've never used any type of software that is used for doing uniforms and field art. I've downloaded the Gimp, because the price fit my budget perfectly [;)], and I'm struggling to get things done. For my first uniform I chose my high school uni because its pretty simple. Only have the helmet done, not to difficult when its just red with a white/black/white stripe just like the pants [8|]. But after a while I get so frustrated I just close it down. It seems to me the help section is written for those who know what they are doing and just identifying the tools of the different dialogs doesn't help me much. I'm in need of something like "An Idiots Guide To The Gimp" or "Ok Buckethead This Is How It's Done". Thornbird's tutorial at his website for making a helmet is exactly what I need short of having somebody sitting next me holding my hand while I make a uni. I feel pretty stupid because I've been in the engineering documentation business for 27 years. I now use a 3D package called SolidWorks. But let me tell you, working thru the templates and just picking and changing colors is really kicking my butt. And I haven't even tried working with any logos yet. Bassman's tutorial helps a bit but it's difficult trying to make the translation from PSP, which I've never used, to Gimp. Any tips, clues, hints, or direction to turn that you could provide would be greatly appreciated.