Limits on drop tanks [Adding Me-109E/4] (Full Version)

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el cid again -> Limits on drop tanks [Adding Me-109E/4] (4/24/2006 5:55:38 AM)

As anticipated by one poster in this thread, there are problems when the external fuel greatly exceeds the internal fuel. The algorithm in code assumes a fixed endurance per gallon of fuel. We can compensate by adjusting endurance values only to a point. When the endurance reaches zero, it is impossible to adjust. When it approaches zero, it is impractical to adjust. The P-47N was very hard to work with when it carries three large tanks - no endurance value works and the plane always exceeds its maximum range! I fitted the N with only 2x150 gal tanks and that works.
The P-40 was almost as bad. It behaves well with a small drop tank, but not with a large one. You can get the real operational ranges (the code rounds off the actual range to the nearest 60 miles - but you can figure them out in the data listing - multiply cruising speed times endurance and divide by 60) - but only if you use the small tank.

Note there are revised data listings on page 3 - and that the Ki-44, Ki-61, Ki-84, Ki-100, P-39, P-40, P-400 were added, the P-47 has different settings (I failed to put the tanks on in the first pass), and the Ki-43I was added to the list of planes with drop tanks. This is probably all for this pass. It is sufficient to find out if this chrome is popular with players - or if there is a reason it was never in any scenario?

el cid again -> Adding Seafire drop tanks (5/13/2006 9:30:01 PM)

By request, and using data provided, I was able to add drop tanks to the Seafire (both models). They are now listed in the table above.

I was able to show that the zero drop tank is identical in capacity to an Allied drop tank, and thus add a 90 gallon drop tank to the device list.

If any Allied plane listed used the 90 gallon tank, I can now recalibrate it with the correct tank (not available before).

If anyone provides data on other planes, I will add them. I believe F4Fs used drop tanks, for example. I need the number and size of tank, and ferry range using them and no other load to get WITP values.

RevRick -> RE: Adding Seafire drop tanks (5/13/2006 11:18:07 PM)

El Cid...
I have a PDF of a Navaer doc from Jul 43 which shows the following..
F4F4 - Two 58 Gal Dropable tanks - one under each wing.
Max Range 1275 SM.
Combat Radius 325 NM.

el cid again -> F4F-4 (5/19/2006 12:22:50 PM)

The F4F-4 was plugged into the drop tank test bed and it came up with 397 minutes if two 50 gallon tanks are carried - yielding 1260 miles effective transfer range = 21 hexes for an extended range of 7 hexes and a normal range of 5 hexes - a distinct improvement over 17 hexes/5 hexes and 4 hexes without tanks. This is the nearest game setting to the use of two 58 gallon tanks yielding a 1275 mile empty tanks range.
The plane is now in the list on page 3 above - so you can compare it to other RHS planes for which drop tanks values have been determined. This is an awkward process - but I have a way to figure out the correct setting for the nearest set of tanks to real world ones - for most cases. If the drop tanks (properly called ferry tanks in that case) are too many and too large, the model cannot handle it. [We have two such cases, and are forced to use less than maximum tanks - so we don't end up with negative endurance values!] But for normal tank proportions (to plane fuel) the WITP tanks work reasonably well - just not predictably - you have to figure out what setting to use - or if you can - I do not know the algorithm.

el cid again -> Are there other drop tanks of interest? (5/21/2006 6:53:09 AM)

For example, F6F?

I need to know the number, size and ferry range with them in place - if anyone wants them. Takes time to do but I have a test bed that can figure out the proper endurance setting.

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