Attempt at face shield. (Full Version)

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Gman1025 -> Attempt at face shield. (4/17/2006 4:22:12 AM)

I was working on a new face mask colour for a new uni and thought I would try a shield.
Looks funny from the side. Just playing around with things.

Also with custom colour face masks in high player detail, the mask is just thin and black. I tried Redwolf's neon green and it is the same.

Anyone else have this?


Tbird -> RE: Attempt at face shield. (4/17/2006 4:57:14 AM)

Looking good

Gman1025 -> RE: Attempt at face shield. (4/17/2006 4:59:44 AM)

Thanks Tbird.

redwolf1 -> RE: Attempt at face shield. (4/17/2006 5:32:37 AM)


ORIGINAL: Gman1025

Also with custom colour face masks in high player detail, the mask is just thin and black. I tried Redwolf's neon green and it is the same.

Anyone else have this?

That is because, it is my understanding, that the high detail face masks use unique meshes and that textures applied to them don't work. Any colour changes and what not to the facemasks only show up in "normal" or "low" detail settings. My neon greens don't show up unless low or normal detail is chosen. That's why I did my Crocs team with a yellow facemask as neon green wasn't availabe for high detail (but did include the neon green for those that play in normal and low detail and prefer it).

Gman1025 -> RE: Attempt at face shield. (4/17/2006 7:44:06 AM)

Thanks redwolf. I wasn't sure if it was me[sm=dizzy.gif]

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