tristandracul -> RE: Paradox Doomsday Direct Download (4/25/2006 7:48:03 PM)
The game surely has some nice ideas, being the best part of this whole series like EU or Victoria, most diplomatic and intelligence options. Nevertheless I realized again that I'm a turnbased player, thinking WEGO the best of possible options. Even with the ability to slow game down very much and pause totally it will get very messy when you get in real war witn adirect neighbour. If you avoid this best you can do is playing the US where you will be relatively safe from instant overrun. Played one session of HOI2 where I appeased the great enemy Japan with economic diplomacy throughout the whole WW2, while building up myself, controlling a seperate Great American Alliance and attacking Germany in the late phase only. Disappointed I was as I read that the most interesting part for me, the Doomsday scenario 1945 already starts amidts a war with the Soviet Union, so you will have no other options in trying to divide the world by diplomacy and intelligence first, without having to play through WW2 again. Guess I will rather continue playing CoG, WITP, Combat Mission and TotalWar.