Scott_WAR -> RE: Sim first year league (4/28/2006 4:45:58 AM)
Ok, I used the default US league, with the default 11 man rules. I simmed one game, worked ok. I simmed the rest of the week, worked ok. I simmed the season, and let it run till week 4 before I shut the program down. Everything was fine. So, either its a random happening bug, which I doubt, or it has something to do with the rules or setup of the league, making the sim function not work as expected. When I saw the issue, it was with a custom league, using the default 11 man US rules, but using a 10 minute per quarter clock. I simmed one game, it went well, then I played my game for the week, then simmed the rest of the week, thats when every remainig team got ties for that week. I would recommend trying default rules, see if it works for you, then change things slowly till you see it start to happen.