pvthudson01 -> RE: TOAW compared to BiI (6/6/2006 2:50:49 PM)
ORIGINAL: Curtis Lemay TOAW's edge comes not from the canned scenarios that come with it, but from its incomparable editor. Without that, it would have been abandoned years ago. But with it, you can model almost any 20th Century topic (and beyond). That means that, not only will there be a never-ending refreshment of new games to play, but that one can be a designer instead of a player. I don't think that is possible with any of the other games listed. In those, you're stuck with one scale and one subject. So, when you get tired of the "Korsun Pocket" (which, for me, would occur before the game arrived) it goes on the shelf. I still think that Battles Series has a clear edge over TOAW since it has had years to do what TOAW did but better, but TOAW is a very addictive game letting you span many years of war, not just one certain battle or time period. That is what makes it so cool. I own both games, and it really just depends on if you are in the mood to focus on one theatre or try your hand at really grand strategy.