Scenario Pack At Wargamer. (Full Version)

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z1812 -> Scenario Pack At Wargamer. (5/3/2006 7:24:50 PM)

Hi All,

The Blue Star Scenario package for FPG can be downloaded from the Wargamer Games Depot area. Remember "you have to read the read me." : )

Regards John

AlvinS -> RE: Scenario Pack At Wargamer. (5/3/2006 11:39:07 PM)

Thank you John

I have downloaded the scenarios and will give them a go. [8D]

CapnDarwin -> RE: Scenario Pack At Wargamer. (5/4/2006 3:13:52 AM)


2 big thumbs up for the scenario pack. Just started the first one April's Fool. Ouch. I might win if I'm lucky.

Damn fine job!![&o][&o][&o]

Rob322 -> RE: Scenario Pack At Wargamer. (5/4/2006 6:27:41 AM)

Ahhh, the where? Sorry, not sure where this is but could you link it?

Marc von Martial -> RE: Scenario Pack At Wargamer. (5/4/2006 11:47:01 AM)

Rob322 -> RE: Scenario Pack At Wargamer. (5/5/2006 3:20:52 AM)


ORIGINAL: Marc Schwanebeck

Sweet! Thanks ...

CapnDarwin -> RE: Scenario Pack At Wargamer. (5/13/2006 3:31:28 PM)


Great job on the scenarios! I was playing through April's Fool while working on some fixes for 1.1.1. Very intense scenario. Went down to the wire, but I pulled off a minor victory. Both side were beat down pretty good. I can't wait to get enough time to play the others. Waiting too to see "Red Star".


peterjames12 -> RE: Scenario Pack At Wargamer. (8/23/2010 4:46:54 AM)

Really this is very good scenario for that game.Recently I can use this scenario and I can get many benefits from them.That facility is too good.

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