kshinner -> RE: Custom Stadia (6/19/2006 9:35:10 PM)
ORIGINAL: Deltadog quote:
ORIGINAL: kshinner There's an open source, free 3D program at www.blender.org. Should work with this stuff and did I mention FREE? Have you tried to open the building.x file with Blender? If so how do you do it, I have been unable to figure out how! I have not tried but I searched the internet a little. You might have to download a plug-in to do it. From http://www.toymaker.info/Games/html/3d_models.html: "There are some free 3D editors available that also support the .x file format. For example the DeleD 3D Editor and a light version of gameSpace or the popular blender. For blender try this .x file exporter: mindfloaters. Note: make sure none of your mesh or materials have a name with a . (dot) in it - this causes mesh view to be unable to open the .x file. Make sure you add UV co-ordinates and define your textures per face." The mindfloaters website is: http://development.mindfloaters.de/ I also found random post out there with some more info: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- An even more detailed help on the matter : - XSI addon (is easy to install) for the *.x format. It's there the importer and the exporter addons. Just look at the right menu of this page : http://www.softimage.com/community/xsi_net/default.aspx Installing an addon for XSI is very easy. Check the docs about the matter, if you never did so. - direct x exporter for Blender 2.41. It works very well, just remember two things: read the doc http://xoomer.virgilio.it/glabro1/faq.html at his site's section, and also remember to do first an "action" in blender and then animate with it. As at the end you will need to bake this action for export, if you used constraints for the animation, which is likely to happen in a more than basic animation. http://xoomer.virgilio.it/glabro1/ Also, whenever you don't plan animation export Blender->xsi, but export static meshes this route, you can use OBJ export. Is 'natively' included in both packages. XSI obj import is indeed very good: smoothing vertex normals(hard and smooth edges) I checked to be imported accurately from other 3d packages. Good luck.