puresimmer -> Another gem for historical players (5/27/2006 9:50:54 PM)
Along with the brand new historically correct closer usage feature I completed a really cool new option for playing with real players. Its called "Player/Team Affinity Mode." If you choose this option (only avil for historical / real players association) the following will happen: 1. Teams will be highly likely to try and keep their makeup similar to what it was in real life, so if a player's contract is expiring in 1957, but he actually played with that team through 1960 in real life, then there is a high probability the team will offer an extension, and a high probability he will accept. 2. There is a very high probability that teams will sign rookies based on when they appeared on that team in real life. For example I just played an association through the early 80's into the 90's and it was cool to see Griffey Junior show up on the M's and to see all the young talent come streaming into Cleveland as they went through that amazing build... The net result is if you are looking for career play that retains a lot of flavor from reality even as the career progresses, this is a fun option. Note it is not 100% as there are tons of other issues in the mix with finances, trading etc. Still that actually keeps it fun. I'll release both the closer usage feature and this one in a beta patch this weekend. I hope you guys will like it.