chrisdolphinfan -> Game Speed (7/16/2000 9:12:00 AM)
First off I want to thank Matrix and its staff of incredible people. What a game!
I just got mine in the mail from EZ Gamer.
Wow was I blown away. Great Job! (clap, clap)
I just have one question: My units seem to
move a lot slower than in SPWW2. I have an
aging P233MMX 84mb ram, was just wondering if
my system is lagging for this new program. I
have set the unit speed to the fastest possible. Any input would be appreciated.
Overall though. WOW!! What a game, you guys
are talented. Thanks for the years of enjoyment coming ahead.
[This message has been edited by chrisdolphinfan (edited July 15, 2000).]