redeck -> RE: Ruth (6/3/2006 2:20:11 AM)
to my knowledge you cannot change the Current Ruth you have in your asc. from pitcher to fielder. what most players do when confronting this issue is, in 1918 or later, you go into his bio, and force retire him. then go into the players pages to import him from sometime after 1918 when he became the best thing since best things began being rated. if the import doesnt work, just "create hitter" from the players page and make your own Bambino, i did this once. the ratings for him in this period would be prety straight forward, mostly 100s am hoping to see in a future patch the ability to use pitchers as pinch hitters, and hitters as pitchers, and why the game doesnt do this already with pitchers already getting batting ratings it would seem to be a no brainer.