kenparker23 -> crack of the bat (6/11/2006 2:48:06 AM)
How can I hear the crack of the bat? All of my sounds work except this one. Pretty trivial question, but I know it must be an easy fix.
kenparker23 -> RE: crack of the bat (6/11/2006 8:39:16 AM)
To add to this, I have no other ambient sounds durnig the game. No fireworks. The box to disable ambient sounds not checked. Just wondering if anyone else was having the same problems. I am also using the latest beta patch, however, there were no sounds prior to installing the patch.
Amaroq -> RE: crack of the bat (6/11/2006 6:15:31 PM)
The only other thing I can think of is to look in
Home | Association Options | General Options tab - there's a checkbox for "Enable Sounds" - but if you're hearing the other sounds that seems unlikely.
kenparker23 -> RE: crack of the bat (6/11/2006 7:10:33 PM)
I have the sounds option checked. I can hear menu music as well as the national anthem. However, when the game starts there is silence. Shaun, any ideas? Has anyone else had this problem? Should I save may league and reinstall the game?