1.801 first impressions (Full Version)

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Spooky -> 1.801 first impressions (6/16/2006 1:08:56 AM)

Yuri just sent me his first impressions of the 1.801 patch since he did not manage to register.

Before I start my first PBEM game, I decided to make a quick run of full campaign against hard JapAI under 1.801 . Everything is under human control. Stock scenario 15

Bugs I found so far:

1. British Ruler class CVE (big cheater in game). Make any TF with this ship and hit replenish from port. Result: You have >1000000 fuel at that base.
2. In January 45 my some of mine CV’s started receiving F4U-1D as it should be, but it is now November 45 and half of CV’s didn’t receive them, but F6Fs reduced from 42 to 36 max. Shouldn’t they all receive Corsairs? They were all in SF for more than 6 months. Just some converted, some not.
3. How about Wasp CV? I still have 30 15 15 12 group on him by the end of 45. WAD or bug? What about any conversion for these groups?
4. At start of game I sent nearly all US/Australian/British CA/CL close to Japan so I can lose them. I lost them all I think. Interesting part started when they started to respawn. All of them respawned as US cruisers, but with Australian captains and Australian seaplanes. Very annoying if you try to make amphib. TF with some CA/CLs but cannot select any US commander for invasion. Instead I have a choice of only Australian commanders. Bug?
5. Russians. In July 45 they started conversion to inf.corpses. They (divisions) disappear one by one and next turn they reappear as Inf.corps. (each 1118 AV btw.). But some divisions didn’t convert to corps. They disappear and reappear as same divisions. Bug or WAD?
6. Vladivostok port: no ships can refuel there before and after activation.
7. Some Russian fighters autoconvert in 8/45 to bombers. Some bombers autoconvert to fighters, changing some groups from 21 to 63 planes (Bad for pilot pool)
8. I landed all Russian inf/mech/tank corpses in Japan, cleared Tokyo of 250+units then went with Russian Golden Horde to Osaka (around 300 units there). Couldn’t take in 1 assault ( 1250000!!!infantry attacking) , than decided to drop A-Bomb on Osaka and see what happens. Very sad I couldn’t put B-29 on 100ft N-strike J (minimum 8000). I didn’t know that Golden Horde is immune to nuclear blast. No troops were damaged. Bug or WAD?
9. In 2 weeks of fighting I took finally Osaka forcing 300+ units to retreat. Next turn Osaka turned to 4th fleet command (Japanese) but with American flag like other American bases. Changing Osaka to any other allied command brings nothing. Next turn it is again 4th fleet. Bug
10. This is connected with #8 bug. All planes based in Osaka losing their target in 2-3 turns. Let say I’m ground attacking with planes closest base and in 2-3 turns they all switch to ground attack without a target and stop bombing (annoying).

No signs of leader disappearance – excellent

jwilkerson -> RE: 1.801 first impressions (6/16/2006 2:28:24 AM)

Interesting report !!!

Both entertaining AND useful (unusual in that regard !).

Yuri doesn't "pull his punches" he swings with both Sledgehammers !!!

Thanks Marc,

Joe W.

Ron Saueracker -> RE: 1.801 first impressions (6/16/2006 2:48:09 AM)

Who is Yuri?

jwilkerson -> RE: 1.801 first impressions (6/16/2006 5:51:30 AM)


ORIGINAL: Ron Saueracker

Who is Yuri?

Yuri ? Uh, he would be the guy that sent the report to Marc !? [;)]

dtravel -> RE: 1.801 first impressions (6/16/2006 6:46:22 AM)

I thought he was the guy going 'round in circles over our heads.

JeffroK -> RE: 1.801 first impressions (6/16/2006 6:52:37 AM)

I wish he could spell Corps correctly,

I thought the Red Army was getting wiped out!!

Oxlamon -> RE: 1.801 first impressions (6/16/2006 8:49:05 AM)

Hi everybody!

Actually Yuri is me :)

I couldnt get my password for couple of days from matrixgames. Now finally I got it.
Thats the reason I sent this report to Spooky.

Thanks Spooky!

jwilkerson -> RE: 1.801 first impressions (6/16/2006 12:58:05 PM)



Hi everybody!

Actually Yuri is me :)

I couldnt get my password for couple of days from matrixgames. Now finally I got it.
Thats the reason I sent this report to Spooky.

Thanks Spooky!

Hi Yuri - Welcome !!

And thanks for the report !

We will look at some of these items to see if they can be fixed !

Joe W.

Ron Saueracker -> RE: 1.801 first impressions (6/16/2006 2:23:20 PM)


jwilkerson -> RE: 1.801 first impressions (6/16/2006 4:16:39 PM)



I wish he could spell Corps correctly,

I thought the Red Army was getting wiped out!!

Hecque he probably wishes WE could spell Corpses correctly [;)][:D] .. but I also thought the conversion to corpses sounded rather ominous !

Marineatsea -> RE: 1.801 first impressions (6/24/2006 5:48:03 AM)

Is there a read me file on the fixes in 1.801?

Don Bowen -> RE: 1.801 first impressions (6/24/2006 6:34:15 AM)

Yuri produced a clear and concise list of program problems and was able to provide save games for most items. Several of the points that he raised directly correlate to line items on the next patch’s fix list.

Thanks, Yuri

dtravel -> RE: 1.801 first impressions (6/24/2006 6:34:26 AM)

File name is WhatsNew.rtf and WhatsNew.pdf.  (Same file, different formats.)

Note that v1.8.0.1 incremental production release includes the following changes:
Bug Fixes:
1. Corrected Float Plane Airgroup size calculation.
The enablement of single-squadron carrier air groups in Version 1.8 caused a miscalculation in the size of Float Plane airgroups aboard non-carrier type ships. 
Fix: Ensured separation of processing of air groups for carriers and other, floatplane carrying ships.  Normal processing will recover the damaged airgroup data.
2. Text overflow on combat report.
Addition of "Beginning Assault Value" to the combat report in V1.8 caused the text string to exceed the allotted space when reporting large formations and values.
Fix: Removed word "Beginning".
3. Correct display of airgroup fragment if transfer of an airgroup generated a new fragment.
An airgroup that has 1 or more non-ready aircraft will leave them behind when being transferred to a new location.  A fragment will be created at the "transfer-from" site to hold these aircraft.  The code was losing track of the proper airgroup to be displayed during this process and would display a previous working fragment - frequently one from the other side. 
Fix: Saved and used correct pointer to transferred airgroup.
4. Corrected Leader Assignment for airgroups without leaders when first pilot assigned.
An airgroup (probably fragment) created without pilots will not have a leader assigned. When the first pilot is assigned it should automatically become the airgroup leader. When additional pilots are assigned they are then compared to the rank/experience of the current airgroup leader to see if the new pilot should replace the existing leader. An error during the creation of "no pilot/no leader" fragments incorrectly reset the leader values, resulting in random failure to designate the first pilot assigned as the airgroup leader.
Fix: Properly initialized the variable.  Also found a display-control variable that was not being properly maintained when a leader was assigned. This resulted in either a one-turn delay in displaying the correct leader or a "flash" of Staff Officer before the correct leader was displayed. Also fixed.
5. Disband of airgroups prohibited if they have fragments on the map.
Fix: Expand existing check for fragments and prevent disband (with message)
6. LCU fragments improperly receiving reinforcements.
During turn processing of Land Units with multiple fragments, the system could temporarily lose track of the proper unit(s) that should receive reinforcements.  This could result in cut off or unsupplied fragments being improperly reinforced.
Fix: Prevented focus shift away from the proper unit.
7. Corrected multiple "home base" tables to include Canada.
Some of the processes that required reference to a National Home Base did not properly designate a home base for Canada.
Fix: Provided missing reference (base is Vancouver)
8. Fix for Pick Up troops by air transport when first available Land Unit is selected by default.
When the Pick Up Troops option is selected on the Air Group screen the first "pickupable" land unit at the target base is displayed as if it was selected by default.  However this selection was incomplete and the player had to force the selection - by moving away and then back to the unit if necessary.
Fix: Properly set default. 
9. Patch for airgroup load routine when a parent airgroup and a fragment of a different parent were loaded at the same time.
The load control routine was improperly handling load when an airgroup fragment was loaded at the same time as a different parent air group.  This resulted in the actual load routine being confused between the actual parent of the fragment and (different) parent previously loaded. 
Fix: Set proper relationship without regard to load sequence.
10. Torpedo Attack Altitude corrections.
Torpedo-carrying aircraft with Naval or Port attack as a primary mission and Airfield attack as a secondary mission would sometimes make torpedo attacks at the airgroup assigned altitude (frequently 6000 feet).  
Fix: Ensured torpedos will be dropped from 200 feet if primary mission is naval or port attack.
11. Replenishment CVEs in replenishment and carrier task forces "bleeding" damaged aircraft to pools.
CVEs with replenishment airgroups (designated as Wings) that left port without ensuring that all aircraft were in ready status would have damaged aircraft transferred to the aircraft pool.  The exaggerated size of the replenishment airgroups was triggering this movement as the over-capacity checks were not properly recognizing replenishment wings. 
Fix: Adjusted over-capacity routines to recognize replenishment wing airgroup sizes.
Note: Players should NEVER transfer replenishment wings off of the CVE on which they arrive and NEVER NEVER place another airgroup on a CVE that has a replenishment air wing.  Just don't do it - it will mess things up big time.
12. Re-set max range when airgroup is manually or automatically upgraded.
Upgrade of airgroup was not properly re-setting default maximum range. 
Fix: applied default based on range of "upgrade-to" aircraft.
1. Fill airgroup with pilots button and function added.
Airgroups that need two or more pilots will now display a "Get n Pilots" button (where n is number of pilots needed). Pressing this button will select n pilots and is equivalent to pressing the "Get Pilot" button n times.
Note: Button does NOT show "grayed out" when less than 2 pilots are required. If only a single pilot is needed the "Get Pilot" button is sufficient and a grayed-out "Get 1 Pilot" is superfluous. A grayed-out "Get 0 Pilots" is useless and rather humorous.
2. Draw a single aircraft from pool button and function added.
Each press of this button will transfer one aircraft from the pool to the airgroup. The button display includes the number of aircraft in the pool. Button is displayed "grayed out" if function is not allowed for any reason. Allows very precise airgroup size management and is especially useful when there are only a few aircraft available. Display of pool size is very nice.
Note: Function is allowed even if "Do Not Upgrade" is selected. It is subject to all restrictions of normal airgroup reinforcement (no cheating!).
3. Airgroups may be disbanded into the aircraft/pilot pool IF THEY ARE LOCATED IN THE NATIONAL MAIN BASE.
Previously they had to be disbanded into another airgroup and could not be disbanded if an airgroup with the same aircraft type/Nationality was not available in the same base. This restriction still applies for all groups not at the main base and will also be used if possible at the National Main Base.   The companion feature of "Withdraw Group" is similarly implemented only the group and all aircraft/pilots are placed in the pending aircraft reinforcement list.
If there is another group of the same type at the National HQ base, the group will disband into it normally.  If there is no such group a confirmation step will ask the player if he wants to disband the group into the pool.
If Disbanded, aircraft are returned to the pool and the result is visible when viewing the pool. Pilots are returned to the Named pilot queue that are waiting for assignment and not to the actual "pilot pool". See Enhancement 4.
If Withdraw Group is selected, the group with all planes and pilots will be withdrawn for 60 days.
4. Add available Named Pilot count to Pilot Pool list.
Named Pilots (sometimes called Historical Pilots) are initially pilots that have been defined in the editor.  New "Named Pilots" can be created during game play by removing "generated" pilots from squadrons by either disbandment of the squadron or removal of pilots by the "running out of pilots" routines. There are two groups of "Named Pilots":
1. Pilots designated for a specific air group (in the editor) whose delay has expired but have not yet been assigned to the squadron (not yet needed).
2. Pilots of specific Nationality that are available (no remaining delay), have no default group assignment, and have not yet assigned to a group (enabled in Version 1.8).
5. Airgroups having no planes but having some pilots may now be loaded onto AKs (load cost calculated as number of pilots).
Previously an airgroup that has all aircraft destroyed but retained a few pilots was frozen in place. It could not be flown nor picked up by a cargo ship. The assigned pilots were effectively lost and were merely waiting to be destroyed. This modification allows the airgroup to be evacuated by sea. It can then be reinforced, merged, or taken to the national home base and disbanded (Enhancement 3, above) to recover the pilots.
Note: Load cost for an airgroup is calculated as number of pilots - very low load cost but takes up the single "passenger" slot. Load costs for airgroups with planes are based solely on the planes and do not include the pilots.
6. "Push" of supply from a well supplied base to outlying bases now limited to need (human players only).
The previous code will push supply from a central base to outlying bases and units based on two factors:
a. Need - bases and units that are short on supply will receive supplies up to need (based on requested supply less amount already on hand)
b. Extra - additional supply will be dispersed to bases (but not units) if the sending base is "rich" in supply.
This push of extra supply results in difficulty in accumulating supplies at main bases. An example of this is supplies at Port Moresby being pushed to Buna when Port Moresby needs them and Buna does not. This enhancement will remove the "b. Extra" supply movement.
Note:  This enhancement is implemented for human players only.  A side under computer control will use the original code.
Other - Software Library Upgrade
1. The library routines that process save game compression/de-compression during save and load have been updated to current versions.

Marineatsea -> RE: 1.801 first impressions (6/25/2006 4:36:09 PM)

Thanks the Pilot replacemnt button is handy! I guess the 30,000 airplan limit still is not fixed

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