Game Paused window (Full Version)

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Mikekiller16 -> Game Paused window (6/17/2006 1:24:27 PM)

When i load a previous saved game, "game paused" window appears and i cannot close it by clicking on Resume; game seems to be running cause clock is on; but i cannot change the focus to other windows; so i cannot go on playing this saved scenario !!!!!

Any idea?

hermanhum -> RE: Game Paused window (6/17/2006 1:47:58 PM)

Your description appears to be a bit vague.  Can you provide details, a file, or a screenshot?

What "Game Paused" window are you referring to?  Is it the one titled, "Game Status" with the line, "Time Compression 0 Paused"?

Try clicking on one of the maps or the Game Status window.  It will become the active one.  You can see this by the border changing colour.  Then try to resume the game.

When the Message or Unit Display window is the active window, the Pause / Unpause function may not work.

Mikekiller16 -> RE: Game Paused window (6/17/2006 7:52:48 PM)

I speak about same window that appears when you pause the game; normally you click on resume and the game goes on; but in this case game seems to be running but that window remains; i have started another game and saved; then appears same problem. No way to click on other widows; only keys that work is ALT+F4, and then game closes.

I donīt know if it has something to do, but i play with enforced real time selected. In fact while i write this message H3ANW is running in background, i can hear 1MC and message boxes pop-up but can`t take out that d... game paused window. [:@]

Mikekiller16 -> RE: Game Paused window (6/17/2006 8:20:46 PM)

I donīt know if it has something to do, but i play with enforced real time selected
That is...!!!

When i started the scenario i played with custom difficulty selecting Enforce Real Time; always problem described; then i have started same scenario without selecting Enforce Real Time; saved and loaded with no Game Paused Window!!, i have check it several times with differents scenarios; resuming:

- If i select Enfoce Real Time, when loading a saved game, game start paused with a Game Paused window, clicking on Resume box, resume game but window remain, cannot go on playing

- If i do not select Enforce Real Time, when loading a saved game, game start paused
without Game Pause window, then i resume game from menu and everything is ok.

Since i own H2, H3 played always with Enforce Real Time option. Please bring back my Enforce Real Time.

Sorry if i

hermanhum -> RE: Game Paused window (6/17/2006 10:05:00 PM)

OT:  Hey,

This is the Miguel Molina who wrote that excellent scenario, Canary Capes, right?

I hope that you get your system back online, soon, and give us another great scenario to enjoy.

jpkoester1 -> RE: Game Paused window (6/18/2006 12:32:50 AM)

Hello Miguel,

thank you for reporting this bug to us, it must have slipped by during the betatesting phase. We have now added it to our bugtracking system and while we have not yet analyzed the cause we will try to fix it in an upcoming patch. Until that time I would suggest you run at Auto Datalink difficulty setting without the 'Enforce Real Time' option checked, which is what apparently most testers used during the beta phase.


PS.:During my testing I was able to get rid of the Pause screen by hitting the Enter button a couple of times right during the scenario load process when the Pause screen first appears so you might be able to continue with your scenario that way.

Mikekiller16 -> RE: Game Paused window (6/18/2006 10:17:51 AM)

Yes, sometimes i can get rid of the window, but most of them not; ok i play without that option; yes i wrote Canary's Cage, now i am working on others scenarios; but frankly i prefer playing than scenario design [;)]

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