Claymore Cut -> Multiplayer Issues and League Options-Please Read! (6/19/2006 5:22:05 AM)
Note: I made a few quick changes for clarity (on #1 and added #4). Sorry, I was in a hurry when I first wrote the post. quote:
ORIGINAL: puresimmer Perhaps, but that is a tough one for me to gauge. It would be a major undertaking (re-write maybe) to add hot seat gameplay and/or the ability for players to watch the games sim out. So, I'll ask the crowd. What multiplayer Baseball sims are you currently playing and how do they handle managing games, roster moves, career play issues around the draft, etc. I'm all ears, I just have to make sure the effort will be broadly appealing. As it is today PureSim allows full roster control, managerial tendencies, full control over how players should be used and more, so I guess its just the fact that you can't watch the game play out? What if I added the ability to view a "recording" of how the game played? I decided to start a new thread on this as Shaun is right we have badly hijacked the previous thread (of which I am mainly responsible for). Shaun, their are a variety of serious Multiplayer/League issues that makes it very difficult to run a multiplayer/online league. The biggest problems with the system in my opinion is the fact that you cannot manage out games in Multiplayer mode (which I think a fair amount of people agree with). As far as watching the games out, I thought Puresim allows this, I could of sworn that I did it on at least 1 occasion (could of been mistaken though, I will check when I get home). The basic issue is, there should be some way an owner can manage out his games in Multiplayer mode. Every other game out there as far as I know (ootp 6.5 supported this) allows this, and it is a huge issue IMO. 1-If HtH player would require a major rewrite (BTW, OOTP only had hot seat HTH, Defense picked their Strategy, then Offense, there was not online support) but couldn't we at least have an an option that a comishioner could turn on to allow either the home or away team to manage out their games (the opposing team would still have their game managed by the computer). It would be a big start! (although some form of HtH would be ideal for those of us who want to sit down with their friends at those key games and play them out face to face (ala hot seat mode). I'll be honest, if I had not known the game did not support at least hot seat HtH, I probably would not of downloaded the Demo (which would of been a real shame as I really like the game). I'd imagine you would stand to gain a fair amount of customers with such a feature. 2-The other issues are that certain options should be able to be changed once the league starts. Rotations, Pitcher usage, re-alignment (The Braves moving from the West to the East), and league jumping (ala the Brewers going from the AL to the NL) should all be options that can be changed in the off season(there coul be a series of boxes that pop up similar to the option of having the league expand). It would be great if these things could be changed in the off season if they were checked in the options mode. 3-I know you also indicated that didn't think toggled Finances were needed. But to properly run a league where Free Agency comes into play later, this option is also very important (for historical leagues at least). As a sort of Compromise, would it be possible to start with Finances off, then between seasons (similar to the options above or with league expansion) turn them on (say every player currently gets an X year contract). So you could onlt go from no Finances to Finances, which would allow historical leagues to simulate the introduction of Free Agency. 4-Another Huge Downside of Multiplayer is the limited League options you have with it. You cannot set the starting era for Fictional Leagues (they all start Modern Day unless you import players) and you can't run Multiplayer Mode/w continous reply (I can't figure out why this isn't an option I for one would love to run a HoF multiplayer league). Lastly, I bought the game because I was very impressed with the engine, it brought back a lot of fond memories, and I had fun with the demo (I also wanted to support/encourage such fine development and ideas). I have 3 other friends in the wings waiting to play the game, but have held off because of the lack of the managing out your own games. I'd also like to point out, having the option to play more games will sell more copies (and I'm not just saying this because it is an added feature). From a game standpoint, most of multplayer functions can be done with 1 person that owns the game as the Commish (he can print and sent HTML reports, players can tpye up lineups and have the comish change them). By allowing all league members the ability of the game, there will be a greater incentive for them to pick up the game as they will have to unless they all run over to the Commish's house to manage out their games). I hope these suggestions help, I would be curious to hear what others have to say....