Szilard -> RE: Improvements to the Speed of Calculations? (6/27/2006 10:05:38 AM)
ORIGINAL: Szilard The optimal-reentry-point issue should be easy to fix. Delete "optimal", and just do something like: on/adjacent to unit's formation HQ; or if none, on/adjacent to a cooperative HQ close to evaporation position; or if none, on/adjacent to a nearby supply point; or if none, don't reconstitute. I don't know about that being an "easy" fix, since it would require a major departure from the current model of a 1-4 week window, and fixed position, for the reconstituted units appearing. Now, if sufficient equipment is available, then it is pulled, committed to a unit, and the unit is stuck on the scheduled reinforcements track to appear at a specific position, at some point in time 1-4 weeks away. To have it dependent upon "finding" an HQ to reappear next to, when the time comes for it to show up on the map, and failing that either redump the equipment into inventory, or continually be reassigned a new reconstitution point based on HQ's that may or may not still exist on the map, seems to me to be inherently more problematic. Fair enough. I'd be OK with just reconstituting at a supply point.