risk_doc -> RE: OOTB6 csv schedule files for import? (6/28/2006 1:05:42 AM)
Dandricsturm, Thanks for the information. BTW, I have figured out how to take the OOTP4 output from the Stickware application and convert it to an OOTP6 format that can be used with PSB7. The procedure that i use is as follows: 1) create a Stickware schedule with teams labeled 1 through (no of teams), put them in a divisional structure and if you only have one league, remember that stickware requires teams in both leagues, also the team number corresponds to the team order in the PSB7 league (ie., Team 1 = 1st team in first division within first league and so forth), 2) once a Stickware schedule has been successfully created, import the resultant text file into Excel, 3) within Excel delete all of the rows down to the first scheduled game under "Team 1", also delete all rows following the last game under the last team, 4) within Excel, select the first column and go to the "Data" menu and select "Text to Columns", when the dialog pops up, select "Delimited" and "space" options, and proceed, this should put the date in the first column, time in the second column, away team number in third column, "@ or vs" in the fourth column, and home team number in the fifth column, 5) insert a row prior to the first row and create column headings, names can be anything descriptive, 6) take mouse, drag and highlight all data including column headings, go to "Data" menu, select "Filter" and then "Autofilter", 7) select the fourth column and filter for blanks, highlight and delete filtered rows, then select any other characters ("vs", "Allstar" if break, etc.), filter and delete rows, THE OBJECTIVE IS TO DELETE ALL ROWS EXCEPT THOSE WITH "@" IN THE FOURTH COLUMN, 8) make sure the first column is in Excel date format then insert a blank column following the first column. This column with hold the day number (ie., days since Dec 31st of previous year, ignoring leap year days), 9) off to the side of the dataset in its own cell, type in the last day of the year prior to the first date in the date row. For example, if the dates begin with "4/2/2002", then the date in this cell should be "12/31/2001" (note: the year and actual dates are irrelevant when importing into PSB7, only the relative days between the games). Name this cell using Excel's range name function (any name will do), 10) in the inserted second column type in a formula that subtracts the named date (from #9 above) from the date in the first row, format this value as a "default" number (ie. will be an integer value between 1 and 365), copy the formula down through the entire dataset, 11) highlight the data in the second column, select "Edit/Copy" and then repaste as "Values" to replace the formalae with numeric values, 12) Delete the first column with the actual dates, the imported "Time" column, and the column with the "@" values in it, 13) Delete all of the descriptive names in the first row and replace with a comment (starts with the "#" character), comment can be anything. IMPORTANT: PSB7 WILL NOT IMPORT THE CSV FILE UNLESS IT CONTAINS A COMMENT IN THE FIRST ROW, 14)append a column of times (i.e., 7 = 7:00 pm EST) right after the final column, I usually just put "7" in each cell and copy (i don't believe that PSB7 uses this field), 15) Finally, save the file as a csv file from Excel. 16) If imported into a text editor, the file should look as follows: #(any comments here) 91,1,3,7 */ day number, away team #, home team #, time 91,2,4,7 etc. When you import the file into PSB7, if it imports successfully it will ask you for a starting date, the first day number in your data file will be set to that date. Hope this is of some use to you all. If you have any questions, just post to this thread and I will try to answer. Riskdoc