Andrew Brown -> RE: Andrews map V6.2 question (6/27/2006 6:44:18 AM)
ORIGINAL: bgibs I just thought of another question. Why are the TFs trying to move through a land hex anyway? It a known land hex according to the data file so wouldn't the computer take that into account when plotting the course? I have just had a look at this issue. The hex you mention is intended to be a land hex, and has been this way since version 4 of the map, as per this entry in the map versions document (under version 4): quote:
2. Coastal swamp hexes can not now be used for the landing or picking up of ground forces, unless the hex contains a base. This has been achieved by converting these hexes to land or ocean hexes, depending on the nearby terrain. However the behaviour of TFs in these particular swamp hexes is a bit odd. I do remember testing the hexes at the time I changed them, and TFs seemed to handle them OK, but having just retested them the coastal swamp hexes that were converted to land hexes do make TFs act a bit strangely. Firstly, TFs do still go into these hexes. I thought that they would not, but they do. I don't rememer this happening when I tested it before, so I probably didn't notice it. This is, presumably, because although the hex itself is a land hex, some of the hexSIDES are "ocean" hexsides, and the program allows the TF to enter. However my TFs do not get "stuck" in the hex. When you plot a move out of the hex, the required fuel amount is red and shows 9999, but the TF will still move out of the hex to its destination when the turn is run. Return to base also works if selected. I could clean this up by setting the appropriate hexsides to "land" or "blocked" instead of "ocean", making sure I don't block access to parts of the map as a result. If I do that this particular hex - 21,53 - would probably be changed to ocean instead of land. However since TFs do not actually get stuck, even though it appears that they do, this is not a major problem. Please let me know if you definitely can't move the TF out of that hex, because in the tests that I just ran I was able to do so withouth problems (despite the red TF display). Andrew