LAPTOP Users ** Keypad issues fixed in next release ** (Full Version)

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JRyan -> LAPTOP Users ** Keypad issues fixed in next release ** (6/27/2006 11:10:40 PM)

*** UPDATED ***

I have an HP Athlon64 laptop that I am using at this time for testing what I can on H3ANW ver 3.7+. I have noticed that I can not switch from 'unit' view to 'group' view with the NUM9 key. The others seem to work ok or at least the ones that I use anyway. I have got around this by detaching all units from the group to be able to direct them but that is getting pretty impratical in most scenarios. I have a 'blue laptop' key that I press that enables the blue key functions on other keys but the NUM9 does not work in my case. I have been thinking that this is just my or HP's issue but I would like to hear from those on other laptops to see if this is truly the case.

Thanks in advance..


UPDATE: ASGI is working on this issue and would like to know just what laptop users are having this issue. We have some with Dells and HP that see the issue and some that don't. If you are running the 3.7+ with a laptop and it works, could you please provide the laptop type and if you are having issues with the NUM keys then also post the issues. On my thread below is what works on mine and what doesn't. This seems to be an odd issue to say the least as it does not seem to have any traceable issues. Any information you can provide would be appreciated. If it doesnt work is there a keylog.txt file in the game folder?

I tested the latest Beta and the NUM9 type issues were fixed.

rsharp@advancedgamin -> RE: LAPTOP Users ** Question ** (6/28/2006 12:57:25 AM)

I use a Dell Inspiron and have the same sort of function key to use my numpad. I haven't had problems with any of the hotkeys including the NUM9.

Russell Sharp
Advanced Gaming Systems, Inc.

HercMighty -> RE: LAPTOP Users ** Question ** (6/28/2006 2:07:40 AM)

I have a Inspiron 8200, and with 3.6.3 I believe these worked for me. Now with 3.7 I have the same thing, 9 and 5 do not appear to work.

rsharp@advancedgamin -> RE: LAPTOP Users ** Question ** (6/28/2006 2:42:05 AM)

Check if you have num lock on. In 3.7 this must be turned off to use the number pad hotkeys.

Russell Sharp
Advanced Gaming Systems, inc.

JRyan -> RE: LAPTOP Users ** Question ** (6/28/2006 4:50:53 PM)

I have made sure that the NUMLOCK key is off and tried it both ways. As for the version, I have really just been using the 3.7 betas with the laptop as I no longer have access to my tower (My son sure is happy as he gets to use Dad's computer now, he even took his down and put it in the closet.) It would seem that I am not the only one with this issue, but it does not seem to a overall problem as some work some do not. Strange indeed, a PC brand specific bug? hmmmm

I do use this blue key to change time compression and such but the NUM9 is really a heavily used key the way I play. Others I can get around by a drop down menu item. I have even tried the config file and checked "show units" and that does not seem to make any difference on my machine. It is not a huge priority I know and I will continue to work around it, but the formation editor is not in the cards for me with this not functioning.

Just add it to the list and get to it when priorities allow...

Thanks for the input.

jpkoester1 -> RE: LAPTOP Users ** Question ** (6/28/2006 6:08:20 PM)

Could you please run Harpoon 3 from the command line by entering "Harpoon3.exe -k". This will activate the keyboard log. Load a scenario and then please hit your numpad 9 key and close the scenario. A keyboard.log file should have been created. Please send that to together with the information about which key was pressed, then repeat for all other keys that don't work. I'll get it submitted to our bugtracking system.


JRyan -> RE: LAPTOP Users ** Question ** (6/28/2006 6:58:28 PM)

I will try to night JP and then email the file tommorrow.......

JRyan -> RE: LAPTOP Users ** Question ** (6/29/2006 1:46:21 AM)

OK here is what I got, there should be a keyboardlog.txt file in the game root that can be used to help. If someone else has these keyboard mapping issues please contact with a description and this txt file if you can. My keyboardlog.txt file was already there so I did not have to use a command line -k adder.
I couldn't get it to work anyway as I am stupid, but hey the file was there anyway. I did notice on the ones that work that an audible click was there, it was not present
when they didn't work. This is ONLY for my laptop.

(/) shows in incomming messages window
Showing all paths
showing no paths

(*)Toggles Data Blocks

(- & +) Time Compression

(7) Rename Group Etc
Does NOT work

(9) Toggle Show units
Does NOT work

(5) Toggle range Bearing
Does NOT appear to work

(3) Clear Contact
Does NOT appear to work but I dont have an old contact.

(0) add ref point
Does NOT appear to work but drop down does!

(DEL) Del Ref Point
Does not appear to work, can not delete the ref point I created with drop
down menu. It will not work with the regular laptop key either??? I can find no
way to delete it.

(CTRL 7) Rename Ref Point
Does NOT appear to work.

JRyan -> RE: LAPTOP Users ** Question ** (7/12/2006 3:33:27 PM)

Has there been anything found on this? I have tried another laptop and it also does not have NUM9.....

JP I sent the files you asked for, do you need anything else?

YankeeAirRat -> RE: LAPTOP Users ** Question ** (7/12/2006 4:39:39 PM)

Something you might want to look for at your local business, computer, or even Wal-Mart store is USB driven number pad. I bought one from a local Target store for about 15 dollars and since I have been on a trip and it has worked pretty well for me. I use a HP Enterainment Notebook with a P4 1.7GHZ and about 1GB of Ram in it. I gave up trying to use the funtion keys Harpoon after using an eariler verison of H3 with an old Emachine notebook that the blue function keys worked for 6 months before the blue function selection key gave up the ghost.

JRyan -> RE: LAPTOP Users ** Question ** (7/12/2006 6:20:51 PM)

Hey thats a great Idea, thanks.I will look into it for sure. [:)]

soleil -> RE: LAPTOP Users ** Question ** (7/20/2006 8:13:09 AM)

I too have a problem with hotkeys. I have an IBM Thinkpad and many of the hotkeys do not work. For example, the first one I tried is the datablocks and I tried every possible combination with or without numlock, function key, ctrl, shift altcar and NOTHING works. Same for time compression keys... [:(]

I have version. Works well on my desktop computer...

Help please!!!

msin -> RE: LAPTOP Users ** Question ** (7/20/2006 1:58:25 PM)


I too have a problem with hotkeys. I have an IBM Thinkpad and many of the hotkeys do not work. For example, the first one I tried is the datablocks and I tried every possible combination with or without numlock, function key, ctrl, shift altcar and NOTHING works. Same for time compression keys...


I also have an IBM laptop (T40 to be exact) and am experiencing the same problems as you describe above. I have found that none of the "Numpad" associated hot-keys work in H3:ANW regardless of wether the NumLock is active or not. Other Hot-keys (i.e. "U", "G") seem to operate normally.

I have found that the time compression keys do work but you must the "-" associated with the ";" key and the "+" associated with the "/" key.

I also have H3 version 3.6.3 and do not experience any of the above issues on the same laptop.

JRyan -> RE: LAPTOP Users ** Question ** (7/20/2006 5:00:33 PM)

Guys I have forwarded this to ASGI and they are looking at it. The way I get around it in small scens is to just detach all the units and control them individually but this is not ideal for sure.

Some of the hotkeys work on my laptop, such as the time compression ones. The one I would use most is NUM9. I looked at getting a USB numpad but have not went that route yet.

Thanks for the extra information as not to many laptop users were around during the builds including myself, only recently have I been limited to laptop testing.

JRyan -> RE: LAPTOP Users ** Question ** (7/25/2006 9:53:43 PM)

ASGI is requesting additional information. Please see top post for details.

EagleMountainDK -> RE: LAPTOP Users ** Question ** (7/28/2006 11:19:32 AM)

I have a IBM R52 Thinkpad. And I can only get these keys to work on the "numeric keypad":
/ - Toggle paths
* - Toggle datablocks
+ - Increase time
- - Decrease time

So I can't get Harpoon to regonize the NUMPAD: 0, 3, 5, 7, 9 [:(]

And there is no keylog.txt file.

msin -> RE: LAPTOP Users ** Question ** (7/28/2006 12:52:30 PM)


I have a IBM R52 Thinkpad. And I can only get these keys to work on the "numeric keypad":
/ - Toggle paths
* - Toggle datablocks
+ - Increase time
- - Decrease time

So I can't get Harpoon to regonize the NUMPAD: 0, 3, 5, 7, 9

And there is no keylog.txt file.

I have an IBM T40 laptop and experience the exact same behaviour as Cougar_DK. One possibly important note is that I have H3 version 3.6.3 installed on the same laptop and all Keypad keys function normally (I however must have the Numlock Key on).

jpkoester1 -> RE: LAPTOP Users ** Question ** (7/29/2006 1:12:24 AM)



And there is no keylog.txt file.

In order to get the keylog.txt file you will have to start the game from a DOS-prompt and use the -k command line option. Do do that please do the following:

1. Open a DOS command prompt
2. Type "<ANW Folder Path>\Harpoon3.exe -k"
Example: "C:\Programme\Harpoon 3 Advanced Naval Wafare\Harpoon3.exe -k"


EagleMountainDK -> RE: LAPTOP Users ** Question ** (7/29/2006 10:17:05 AM)

When I do this I get the following error: "There is an error with your serial number as entered. Please....". I then took a copy of the normal "Harpoon 3 ANW (Quick Start)" shortcut, send it to desktop and added the -k.
I started the scenario,activated NumLck and then tried to press all the buttons. Hope the file says something to you....[:'(]

Why not get rid of that keypad and just use the normal keyboard? Or give us an option to select if we want to use the keypad or not, just a thought... [;)]

If I can do anything to help out the please fire away [:)]

jpkoester1 -> RE: LAPTOP Users ** Question ** (7/31/2006 12:07:07 AM)



Why not get rid of that keypad and just use the normal keyboard? Or give us an option to select if we want to use the keypad or not, just a thought... [;)]

Unfortunately the existing keybinding code in Harpoon 3 seems to be rather whacked. Having completely customizable keybindings in high on our wishlist but in order to have that the code will have to be completely rewritten so it will have to wait for the GUI replacement.


msin -> RE: LAPTOP Users ** Question ** (8/5/2006 9:41:21 PM)

I just downloaded and installed the 3.7.1 beta patch for H3:ANW and tested the num keys on my IBM T40 Laptop. Unfortunately, I have found that the beta patch has not corrected the problem with the Num keys not being recognized.

The only keys that will function are:
/ - Toggle paths
* - Toggle datablocks
+ - Increase time
- - Decrease time

I have attached a copy of the Keyboardlog.txt file for you to review. It shows the results for each numpad key with both the NumLock on and off. Hope this helps.

Just to repeat, I have Harpoon3 version 3.6.3 installed on the same laptop and all Numkeys function normally for that version.


msin -> RE: LAPTOP Users ** Question ** (8/11/2006 3:28:04 AM)

Hi all,

Just wanted to drop a quick note to the devs and ask if they had any thoughts on whether the numpad problems described in this thread can be corrected. Not being able to group/ungroup formations can present some real challenges...

If it isn't feasible to correct the numpad problem, would it be possible to add some of the critical commands to the drop-down menus?


JRyan -> RE: LAPTOP Users ** Question ** (8/11/2006 6:14:32 PM)

I know that they are working on it. They might add dual hotkeys and other bonus items. I have no more information than that at this time.

msin -> RE: LAPTOP Users ** Question ** (8/12/2006 2:43:07 AM)


Great News! [:D]

I'm happy to simply hear that they are continuing to work on the issue and that a solution hasn't been written off... I look forward to see what those smart people at AGSI can come up with [&o]

JRyan -> RE: LAPTOP Users ** Question ** (8/17/2006 3:42:46 PM)

I just received word that some keys (numlock mappings) have been added that should fix the issues that some laptop owners are having.. I have not had a chance yet to try it, its Beta, but from the sound of the fix, it will work fine. I am not sure when the public release will come, but its definitely on the radar...


EagleMountainDK -> RE: LAPTOP Users ** Question ** (8/17/2006 4:04:41 PM)

That is good news JRyan. Thanx for the heads up! [&o]

JRyan -> RE: LAPTOP Users ** Question ** (8/21/2006 1:54:04 PM)

Ok I tried out the 'fix' over the weekend and it works. So some of the laptop users who were having issues will not have this issue anymore. In brief, they will now work no matter if the NUMLOCK is on or off. It was a mapping issue. We need to test and see it the fix caused any other unknown issues, but so far I am very pleased. It makes a heck of a difference with my style of play anyway. Stay tuned.[:D]

EagleMountainDK -> RE: LAPTOP Users ** Question ** (8/23/2006 9:59:19 PM)

That is even better news [&o][&o]

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