Animations in combat replay (Full Version)

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BlackVoid -> Animations in combat replay (7/2/2006 2:52:37 PM)

I have not played the Allies for a long time and I have a question. I have combat animations switched to ON, and I still could not see any during the first turn replay. Is it something that only the Japanese player can adjust? I tried pressing F5 during the replaye and it had no effect.

patrickl -> RE: Animations in combat replay (7/2/2006 3:28:57 PM)


You are right. The Japanese player has to ensure all the settings are correct before he send the turn to you. You would have to check that the agreed settings are correct on your computer before you send the turn back. It should be ok after that.[;)]

Ursa MAior -> RE: Animations in combat replay (7/3/2006 8:09:53 AM)

It was probably me. [:D] Sorry. It has happned to me against my efforts in numerous occasions. On turn 2 everything is ok.

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