KG Erwin -> Ideal Roster Sizes For Historical Career Leagues (7/4/2006 12:52:39 AM)
It all depends on when you wanna start your historical association. I wish we had a utility that revealed how many players are available for each year of the Lahman database. For my given era, I've found that a 1946 draft will import 860 players, which is more than enough for creating an association with 50-man rosters. Now, certain positions may be overpopulated (lots of catchers, but damn that an exceptionally demanding position to play so I can understand it given that time period). Given that, a few scrubs may end up being generated to fill roster slots, but within one or two years the entire rosters of every team can be filled by real players. However, the further back you go, the more difficult this becomes. This is another reason why I think the post-WWII era is just the right time to begin a history. It's the start of the post-war baby boom, the vets ( including many players who served in the war) have mostly come home, and baseball shatters all previous attendance records. So, I would argue that historical associations, regardless of time period, should go with 50-man rosters. I like the balance, and this also allows one to balance out the distribution of minor-leaguers and maximize the youngsters' potential for development.