J Michael Neal -> RE: AI Cheat? (7/20/2006 10:03:24 AM)
I am noticing that the AI is capable of a lot of things that a human player isn't. I went to the Blitzkrieg scenario to get a better feel for it, since the two sides are so even. In the north, in the desert, I have watched enemy infantry units (playing as both Red and Blue) march what has to be their full movement allowance, and then entrench better than I can in a single turn with no movement at all. In have put three infantry divisions into a city, and watched two stacks of the opposing army knock them back in a single turn, whereas I can surround a single armored division in clear terrain with more than a whole corps, and not eliminate it in two turns. The AI gets far more impulses than I can ever manage, despite moving units most of their MA before making his first round of attacks. Something seems very messed up about all of this. It's as if the AI and I aren't playing the same game.