delatbabel -> RE: Your best battle? (10/13/2006 4:46:46 PM)
I've only played one game, but I had one good battle in it, playing Prussia. France and Turkey DoW'ed Austria, I had an enforced peace with France so couldn't join in to help, but I did have corps to spare so marched them down to face off the Turks. The turks withdrew and I followed them with Blucher, 4 of my corps (including the guards), 4 Austrian corps including cavalry, II Grenadier, and 2 infantry corps. We fought one battle outside Adrianople that didn't go too badly (we won, and caused about 9-10 cav casualties on the pursuit), but the next battle was "all in" outside of Constantinople. I had about 27 Cavalry. Like a madman I picked escalated assault, assuming he would assume I wasn't going to pick that -- he picked cordon and it was all on. My morale was about 3.6 with the guards and cavalry, his was about 2.2, I rolled 6 and 6 and he broke on the 2nd round after handing me almost no damage in either die roll. Then I rolled 6 again for the pursuit, +1 = 7, and we were into serious pursuit losses. The entire Feudal army, gone. All of his Ottoman corps, gone. The turkish grand army reduced to a few Jannisaries, half a cavalry corps and a handful of garrison. Needless to say my run of 6s continued and I rolled 2 of them to put Blucher in hospital (fortunately only for 3 months). France hit us hard after that but it was worth it for that one battle.