Tomanbeg -> (7/22/2000 1:14:00 AM)
I think it's right for the following reasons.
A. People get the impression from war movies that fighter runs are made 10 meters off the ground. Not so! Marine Corps fighter pilots were known for their daring, coming in at around 100 meters. Most fighter attack runs were made 300+ meters. Light bombers would go in at 500 meters or higher.
B. While WW2 fighter speeds were 400+ kph, they did not fight at these speeds. 250 kph is more reasonable. I average about 15 hours a month in a light plane at these hights and speeds. It's amazing how well (and What) you can see!
C. The Marine Corp calls staring at your target to the exclusion of all else 'Target Fixation'. A pilot does this just once. They send a letter to his folks and a bulldozer out to fill in the hole.
D. Don't forget about adrenaline (sp?). Time slows down when people are trying to kill you. I hope you take my word for this, and don't have to find out the hard way.
All in all, the guys did a bang up job on this, IMHO. Don't forget, the #1 reason for airplanes is Recon, even if the fighter jocks don't like it.