Les_the_Sarge_9_1 -> (4/29/2001 11:06:00 AM)
Finally got to see the film, hey I thought it was magnificent. Ya I too am a modeller and can ID any tank in existence by the look of its bow armour. The stuff they used in the film was great, I mean really great.
So they flubbed the T34/85 so what, its not like accurate tanks are just lying around waiting for a movie. I thought the german gear was outstandingly well accomplished, hell I couldnt see any flaws worthy or mention, noit without a magnifying glass at least (I couldnt find any flaws actually, but I only watched the film once, minimum budget eh, gonna buy it when its on sale though).
I thought the film had a good pace, not to much dull drama, not to much in your face hollywood glitz. It was raw grimy and an honest good depiction.
My only beef I guess was getting a peek at the young ladies admittedly soft smooth bottom. Man I hate it when they force feed me the obligatory sex scene even in my dang war movies. Sure they have sex in wars, so what. They use the toilet too, thank god that only shows up in french films.
If you miss seeing this film, well you blew the chance to see a classic.