San Fran Repair points question (Full Version)

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Wolfpack_MatrixForum -> San Fran Repair points question (7/16/2006 7:57:42 PM)

I have 1 CV and 2 AKs damaged in San Fran. 3 pts, 1pts and 1pts sys damage.

3 turns ago 260 repair points. 3 turns later no sys points repaired and still 260 repair points.

Anybody know why the points aren't accumulating?

Big B -> RE: San Fran Repair points question (7/16/2006 9:38:15 PM)

From Baron Munchausen:
"Gentlemen, aren't you going to repair those ships?!"
"No's Wednesday.."

dtravel -> RE: San Fran Repair points question (7/16/2006 9:55:59 PM)

Any other ships in port?  Any upgrades due?  Are the ships disbanded or just docked?

Wolfpack_MatrixForum -> RE: San Fran Repair points question (7/16/2006 10:03:18 PM)

Plenty of ships in port with zero damage. Upgrades maybe not sure but I have never seen a ship upgrade and repair those points all in one turn. No new ships with sys damage are showing in the list.

Update: 4th turn CV down to 2 with the AKs repaired. Points at 250. This makes more sense. Maybe I had a union strike or something. [:D]

Nomad -> RE: San Fran Repair points question (7/16/2006 10:43:58 PM)

If you read the handy dandy manual, things get even murkier.

From section 12.4:
If the shipyards unused (points) are greater that the durability of the ship being repaired, the repair rate is doubled and repair points equal to the durability of the ship are expended.

Now, what does it mean that the repair rate is doubled? I guess 0 * 2 still equals 0?

MarcA -> RE: San Fran Repair points question (7/16/2006 10:49:11 PM)

What I have seen happen is that ships can accumulate a point of sys while in dock.

I have also seen cases where a ship has accumulated a point of sys and had it repaired the same turn by RP expenditure. So the RP can go down and the sys points of all ships remain the same. The drop in RP in these cases has always been equal to a ships endurance, or rarely, combination of ships endurances.

dtravel -> RE: San Fran Repair points question (7/16/2006 11:17:37 PM)

My tracking a couple months ago showed that it costs DUR+20 Shipyard Repair Points to repair one point of SYS damage.

As to Nomad's question, ignore what the manual says.  Its misleading.  Inherent repair and Shipyard repair are unconnected.  If the inherent repair roll succeeds, one point of SYS damage is repaired.  If the Shipyard repair roll succeeds, one point of SYS damage is repaired.  Each roll is made twice a day.  That's it.  There is no connection between the two that I can observe or confirm.  And what the program observably does trumps documentation every time in my book.

I never observed in my tracking disbanded ships taking routine damage.  I wasn't tracking ships in docked TFs but in a couple of game months tracking half a dozen Repair Shipyard equipped ports I only once had RPs expended that I couldn't track to a disbanded ship.  So I'd say the chances of what Mantill describes happening are extremely slim.  Not impossible, but definitely a rare zebra.

MarcA -> RE: San Fran Repair points question (7/16/2006 11:46:52 PM)


I have some tracking data of my own which I will send you soon. It is a rare occurence but does happen on occasions.

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