sanpurdue -> V1.20 - Two thing :-) (7/20/2006 5:25:22 AM)
I am running with V1.20. 1 - Not really a bug, but when I activate someone from the disabled list and the screen goes back to the lineups and rotation screen, I can't see the activated player until I (1) close and then (2) go right back into the lineups/rotations screen. This was like this in the beta patches as well, so I figure it's a feature not a bug :-) 2 - Is anyone else seeing a LOT more injuries? I am simming but when there are injuries I have the sim stop. For the first few years, I would hardly see any injuries, but now, it seems like I am stopping every 5 or 6 games. It may just be I have some old guys, but these guys were pretty durable last season and now they are all falling apart. Just curious if there was a change made to have more injuries? It would sure mimic baseball nowadays, that's for sure :-)