risk_doc -> RE: Importing OOTP Schedule (7/22/2006 1:38:38 AM)
If you are using a csv format, make sure there is a comment (starting with "#' character) in the first line and also make sure that the game time field is filled at the end of each game record (even through Puresim does not use the time field). Also, make sure team 1 is the first team in the first division in the first league and so forth. So, if you have a 28 team league, you will have a schedule for teams 1 through 28 in the order that they appear on the standings page. So, your csv file should look like (with sample four team league schedule): #(comment text here) 91,1,2,7 91,3,4,7 92,1,2,7 92,3,4,7 93,4,1,7 ......and so forth.