GaryChildress -> Jaded (7/22/2006 7:39:02 AM)
Sometimes the real world intrudes upon a person and there are things more important even that a WitP turn. Suddenly WitP looses all its luster. There are times when nothing seems to matter anymore. I look at my computer and it merely blends into the background of every other object of little importance in the world. My thoughts are too focused on other events, going on at work. My job is in jeopardy. But it's more than that. A good friendship with my boss is in jeopardy. I feel like she crossed the line trashing me in the annual evaluations. What's worse is I can't even argue with her. Everything she wrote is true. I suppose there are things more important than friendships. Anyone is disposable when it comes to a job, even ones close friends. Or perhaps I have betrayed her. She depends upon me to look good to her superiors. But I just can't pull it off anymore as I could once do. Now I am down to difficult choices. Do I stay with the company, beating a dead horse as it were, and continue to make my boss/friend look bad? Or do I go and find another job where I may be of more value, but one which will likely remove me from the the world inhabited by my boss/favorite person in the whole world. It's the most cruel choice I've yet come upon in life. Its agonizing me to no end. Either way I loose something of immeasurable value. If I stay I will likely destroy my boss' good standing with her managers. If I go I'll likely never see her again. I can only remember the good times we had together, times which will likely only fade off into fond memories of the past. In life precious things come and go. Some are the most precious things in the world. It's difficult to let them go even when I must. I look at my computer and it sits there. Somehow it's not the same object of imemnse entertainment it once was. Nothing is. Everything just sits there, books, music, computer gadgets of all sorts. None of them can rescue me. I could travel to the far corners of the Earth and the difficulty would find me wherever I run. There is no escape from the inevitable. Sorry VSWG, I'll get you the turn when I can. [:(]