Jagdpanther -> HOLY! (7/24/2000 11:29:00 AM)
I spent a fine afternoon at the airshow at Selfridge AFB in the thumb of Michigan yesterday. Amongst the many fine exhibits on the ground was a gentleman who had LARGE working models on 3 German AFVs. The smallest of the three was a Tiger which was about the size of a lawnmower, its gun shot water and I thought it was great. Then I noticed the Jagdpanther which stood about three and a half feet high. Also on a gasoline engine and all the more impressive. Finally I saw the Panther who the gentleman had also constructed. It was even larger than the Jagdpanther in scale and was just drop dead gorgeous. All vehicles were remote controlled, all in authentic markings, and all made me want one really really bad!.
As for the show they had a great variety of WWII aircraft. Also a fair bit of Korean war era planes as well. On static display was a JU52 also in pristine condition and in original markings.
As my birthday is tuesday I had my inner circle of friends over today, and as we were enjoying dinner that JU52 flew over my backyard. That was just incredible in the year 2000 to see one in flight let alone over my backyard.
My friends thought I was a little wierd getting as excited as I did, but for seeing any world war two era planes in flight truly brings a tear to my eye. And this was no exception.