"The 4th Republic" scenario available to download! (Full Version)

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*Lava* -> "The 4th Republic" scenario available to download! (7/26/2006 3:05:16 PM)


Now that I have completed my Trafalgar scenario (available for
download at the wargamer scenario depot), I have returned to my
main project that I have been working on for about 6 or so months.

It's called "The 4th Republic" and it is a hypothetical study
taking placed in the late 1930's reminiscent of Napoleon
Bonaparte's quest to conquer Europe.

The scale is 50km per hex using basically corps sized units. Game
duration is expected to be around 200 turns.

I see the game in 4 parts. I have the first and second parts
complete and am begining testing of the 3rd part. The fourth part
should test quickly as the player will only move into that area of
operations if he is able to complete the first 3 parts.

Here is a shot of the opening move:


golden delicious -> RE: "The 4th Republic" scenario inprogress (7/26/2006 3:18:45 PM)

Should be interesting. Do you have an alternate history worked out to bring you to this point?

*Lava* -> RE: "The 4th Republic" scenario inprogress (7/26/2006 3:53:01 PM)


ORIGINAL: golden delicious

Should be interesting. Do you have an alternate history worked out to bring you to this point?

Not really fleshed out yet.

I'm thinking on the lines that following WWI France is moved by a nationalistic political figure who fought in the war. As fascist regimes sprout up along France's borders, he believes that after two wars (the humiliating defeat of the Franco-Prussian War and the destructive First World War), the only way to bring peace to europe is to unite it through force of arms.

Ray (alias Lava)

Silvanski -> RE: "The 4th Republic" scenario inprogress (7/30/2006 8:50:27 PM)

Looking forward to this one [:)]

*Lava* -> RE: "The 4th Republic" scenario inprogress (7/31/2006 1:46:26 PM)


Here are some more shots of the game.

This is a shot of my "Research Islands" set-up:


The player has the first three moves to make choices about what direction he wants to see his forces take in the "late war." He can only chose one from each horizontal line, and he does so by loading the "Civilian reasearchers" onto a ship and landing on the appropriate island.

Here's a shot showing how it works. After choosing fleet on my first move, a fortress is generated to block me from choosing fighter on my second. The shot shows my second choice, missile. On turn 4, the "Civilian Researchers" and blocking counters are withdrawn, ending the research phase.


The research yields the following:

Fleet - The player chooses to embark on an intense naval buildup. The result of this program will produce a large fleet, including aircraft carriers.

Fighter - The player chooses to embark on an intense program of advanced fighter aircraft. The result of this program will yield a number of "Jet Fighter" squadrons.

MIssile - The player chooses to embark on an intense program of missile technology. The result of this program will yield several medium ranged, nuclear capable missile units.

Bomber - The player chooses to embark on an intense program of bomber development. The result of this program will yield several long range, nuclear capable bomber units.

Armor - The player chooses to embark on an intense program of advanced armor research. The result of this program will yield several very heavy armor/mechanized units.

Nucs - The player chooses to embark on an intense program to develop nuclear weapons. The result of this program is unsure, as it is probability based, but if activated gives the player the ability to launch nuclear strikes using either missiles or long range bombers.


Ray (alias Lava)

*Lava* -> RE: "The 4th Republic" scenario inprogress (7/31/2006 2:03:54 PM)


Got one more shot for you all.

I'm now moving into "phase three" of testing.. the invasion of Russia.

This shot shows turn 115. On 116, Russia will declare war on France
and the exclusion zone covering Russia will be removed.


It will be necessary for the player to have conquered europe by this time and be
prepared to take on Russia. On turn 116, not only does the war with
Russia begin, but so do vast reinforcements of Russian units.

The units represented are:

Blue and red - French regular army
Blue with black - French Guard units
Blue with white - French colonial units
Light Blue with any color - French "Legions" which flock to the French
cause after their fascist governments are overthrown.

Testing continues...

Ray (alias Lava)

Terminus -> RE: "The 4th Republic" scenario inprogress (7/31/2006 2:54:26 PM)

Very interesting concept, Lava. Nice one...

*Lava* -> RE: "The 4th Republic" scenario inprogress (8/12/2006 3:55:12 PM)


Update here.

Working on the graphics and final testing...

Here is the bitmap for the game:


Ray (alias Lava)

rhinobones -> RE: "The 4th Republic" scenario inprogress (8/12/2006 7:53:01 PM)


This is a shot of my "Research Islands" set-up:

This looks like an interesting method of adding some spice to TOAW 3. Would like to see the events you are using to add this variability . . . any chance of getting a copy of the scenario to play around with?

Regards, RhinoBones

*Lava* -> RE: "The 4th Republic" scenario inprogress (8/12/2006 8:38:05 PM)


The events are easy.

Event 1 - 1 occupies position X (fleet)
Event 2 - 1 occupies position Y (fighter)

You generate a "blocked counter" which is placed on the opposite island. So if you chose fleet, you have a "blocked counter" which appears on fighter.

Formation (requires 6 formations, 1 for each island)
"Blocked Counter1" - Event 1 - position Y
"Blocked Counter2" - Event 2 - position X.. etc..

From there you use an activate event .. event.

Event activated - News Only - Activated 1
Delay 40 - Turn Range = 1 - Probability 100%
"French TF 4 arrives."

On Turn 41 you get a new fleet.

As for construction, I chose islands because it forces the player to move the "civilian researcher" to only 1 place per turn. Once loaded up on a ship and moved to an island he is stuck there till the next move. The islands themselves are all in the possession of the enemy, so its easy for the enemy "blocked counters" to simply appear based on an "occupy event." The islands are spaced such that the "researcher's" span of influence does not overlap any of the other islands and thus "take possession" of them.

Note also, the picture of "Research Islands" is incorrect in that the "Civilian" counter is shown as an army level unit. This unit could be "divided into 2" and end up taking all 6 islands, 2 at a time. This has been changed so that the "Civilian Researchers" cannot be divided.

It's quite simple, and something I figure on using in all my scenarios in the future (or a variant thereof).

It will be published soon. Just have to slog through the game a couple more times to make sure it works as advertised and write up the briefs.

Ray (alias Lava)

rhinobones -> RE: "The 4th Republic" scenario inprogress (8/13/2006 12:25:56 AM)

Looking forward to the release of this scenario.

Since it is a hypothetical scenario, you might want to consider adding Erie, Sweden, Switzerland and Turkey as potential combatants, especially the Suisse. For some reason I always feel that something is left out of the game when I see a big black hole in the middle of Europe.

These countries might not add a lot to the war effort, but the terrain might prove valuable for maneuver, airfields, supply, production, replacements or just for blocking the enemy route of movement. Something to consider. I tend to like maps without black holes, but that’s just my preference.

Regards, RhinoBones

*Lava* -> RE: "The 4th Republic" scenario inprogress (8/13/2006 1:56:16 AM)


ORIGINAL: rhinobones
For some reason I always feel that something is left out of the game when I see a big black hole in the middle of Europe.


I could do that.. actually the terrain is buried under the black holes. I did rescue Portugal from "Black Holedome."

I'm a bit far along the road now and a bit exhausted on this one. Perhaps in a later addition I can add the others... especially Turkey.

Ray (alias Lava)

Skeleton -> RE: "The 4th Republic" scenario inprogress (8/13/2006 5:06:58 PM)

Lava, any time frame as to when you expect to have this scenario finished? Also, from what I have read and gleaned from your post here and elsewhere, this does indeed sound like a very big scenario. Is this assumption correct? Will it be solo compatible? Sorry for the many questions, I am really looking forward to your release of it.

*Lava* -> RE: "The 4th Republic" scenario inprogress (8/13/2006 5:21:23 PM)


ORIGINAL: Marcus the leper

Lava, any time frame as to when you expect to have this scenario finished?

If all goes well, in the next couple weeks or less.

Of course, that depends on whether I have to keep adding stuff...

@rhinobones - I have just finished adding both Turkey and Sweden into the scenario, leaving only Ireland and Switzerland as black holes.


ORIGINAL: Marcus the leper
Also, from what I have read and gleaned from your post here and elsewhere, this does indeed sound like a very big scenario. Is this assumption correct?

Well.. yes, its quite large, but with a 50km per hex map, I believe it is quite manageable. In fact, of the all europe scenarios, the only ones I have personally found to be "fun", as in easy to play, are the 50km per hex maps. Anything smaller starts giving me a headache.


ORIGINAL: Marcus the leper
Will it be solo compatible?

Of course!

I design for the solo player. This game will be The Fourth Republic against the world (europe really... but American can intervene towards the end).

Ray (alias Lava)

kaliyama -> RE: "The 4th Republic" scenario inprogress (8/13/2006 8:29:51 PM)

I am really psyched about this one. Release it soon!            

Silvanski -> RE: "The 4th Republic" scenario inprogress (8/13/2006 8:40:54 PM)

Sounds great Lava!
I like "What if?" scenarios. Nice BMP!

Skeleton -> RE: "The 4th Republic" scenario inprogress (8/13/2006 8:50:53 PM)

This all sounds fantastic Lava, thank you for not only your replies but also thank you in advance for the hard work you have obviously put into this scenario. I can't wait.

*Lava* -> RE: "The 4th Republic" scenario inprogress (8/13/2006 9:54:24 PM)


Thanks all...

Let's cross our fingers that it is fun to play.

Ray (alias Lava)

*Lava* -> RE: "The 4th Republic" scenario inprogress (8/13/2006 11:23:29 PM)


Just can't seem to stop...

This is something that I have been thinking about for a long time and in the end decided to implement it into the game.

My desire was to make the campaign somewhat difficult, but not impossible. Difficult = [:)] Impossible = [:(]

Sooo.. like "Research Islands" I have also decide to give ingame hints to those who need them.

It looks like this:


Hopefully, most folks will seek their own way to victory, but for those who are maybe new to the game, or just having a bit of trouble, the tips should help out a lot.

Like Research Islands, you load the "Tipster" onto a ship and land on the hint you want to see. The next move the hint will appear in the news.

Battling on...

Ray (alias Lava)

kaliyama -> RE: "The 4th Republic" scenario inprogress (8/14/2006 12:22:14 AM)

This is like that Greenspun's law that any sufficiently complex system will contain a programming language..

GreenDestiny -> RE: "The 4th Republic" scenario inprogress (8/14/2006 9:03:49 AM)

Hey Lava… your scenario looks very interesting and your tip guide sounds cool also. But you got to remember that there are three different AI settings, weak for beginners, moderate, and strong for experts. So please don't dumb down your scenario to much.
I'm looking forward to this one.

*Lava* -> RE: "The 4th Republic" scenario inprogress (8/14/2006 2:40:55 PM)


ORIGINAL: GreenDestiny
So please don't dumb down your scenario to much.

Hi Mate!

I haven't dumbed down the scenario at all. In fact, I have done as much as I could to make it as hard as I can.

The veteran TOAWer should be able to battle his way through it. It was designed to "try" to give even the "grog" a difficult time. I say "try", because there are times when the AI just does silly things, like leaving his capital unprotected. So I have placed some "traps" in the scenario to try to compensate.

Because of this, I decided to include the tips for newer players who might have a hard time of it. Using the tips is a player decision. If you need them, use them. If not, just forget they exist.

Ray (alias Lava)

*Lava* -> RE: "The 4th Republic" scenario inprogress (8/20/2006 5:14:17 AM)


Just a progress report.

The scenario is entering its final phase now.

Still have the briefs to do and some fairly minor testing to complete.

Graphics are now done.

Here's my news graphic:
Had to get Napoleon and his staff in there..

And here is my reinforcement graphic:
A pair of Renault tanks.

Looks like I'm on schedule for a late August release.

Ray (alias Lava)

Silvanski -> RE: "The 4th Republic" scenario inprogress (8/20/2006 5:21:08 AM)

Nice pics Lava... looking forward to the scenario... one remark though ... You spell Istanbul, but Tula as Toula and Kursk as Koursk... French spelling I suppose... no problem as I can adapt city names in the editor

*Lava* -> RE: "The 4th Republic" scenario inprogress (8/20/2006 1:31:41 PM)


Indeed, the map names are mostly in French. But I don't think that will make much difference for folks.

Ray (alias Lava)

*Lava* -> RE: "The 4th Republic" scenario inprogress (8/22/2006 4:14:14 PM)


Mission Complete!

Hopefully should be available for download soon.

Ray (alias Lava)

TOCarroll -> RE: "The 4th Republic" scenario inprogress (8/22/2006 4:59:13 PM)

Looks awesome. I can't wait to try it. Good work, Lava.

P.S.   I hope the French Leader is not Marshall Petan [:'(]!

Tom OC

*Lava* -> RE: "The 4th Republic" scenario inprogress (8/22/2006 5:13:47 PM)


I hope the French Leader is not Marshall Petan [:'(]!

Well.. the French Leader is the player!

In the scenario I called him Emperor Napoleon VI.

BTW.. if he dies.. you lose. So take care of him.

Ray (alias Lava)

TOCarroll -> RE: "The 4th Republic" scenario inprogress (8/22/2006 5:29:01 PM)


Silvanski -> RE: "The 4th Republic" scenario inprogress (8/23/2006 2:41:20 AM)

Great! Can't wait to try it out!

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